Hymn 53
John Newton
Peace restored.
374 O, speak that gracious word again, And cheer my drooping heart! No voice but thine can soothe my pain, Or bid my fears depart. | And canst thou still vouchsafe to own A wretch so vile as I? And may I still approach thy throne, And Abba, Father, cry? | Oh then let saints and angels join, And help me to proclaim, The grace that healed a breach like mine, And put my foes to shame! | How oft did Satan’s cruel boast My troubled soul affright! He told me I was surely lost, And GOD had left me quite. Ps 71:11 | Guilt made me fear, lest all were true The lying tempter said! But now the LORD appears in view, My enemy is fled. | My Savior, by his pow’rful word, Has turned my night to day; And his salvation’s joys restored, Which I had sinned away. | Dear LORD I wonder and adore, Thy grace is all divine; Oh keep me, that I sin no more Against such love as thine! | |