Hymn 20
John Newton
DAVID’s charge to SOLOMON.
1Chr 28:9205 O David’s Son, and David’s Lord! From age to age thou art the same; Thy gracious presence now afford, And teach our youth to know thy name! | Thy people, LORD, though oft distressed, Upheld by thee, thus far are come; And now we long to see thy rest, And wait thy word to call us home. | Like David, when this life shall end, We trust in thee sure peace to find; Like him, to thee we now commend The children we must leave behind. | Ere long, we hope to be, where care, And sin, and sorrow, never come But O! accept our humble prayer, That these may praise thee in our room. | Show them how vile they are by sin, And wash them in thy cleansing blood; O, make them willing to be thine, And be, to them, a cov’nant God. | Long may thy light and truth remain To bless this place, when we are gone; And numbers here be born again, To dwell for ever near thy throne. | |