30 Hymn 23
John Newton
GIDEON’s fleece.
Judg 6:37-4031 The signs which GOD to Gideon gave, His holy Sovereignty made known; That He alone has pow’r to save, And claims the glory as his own. | The dew which first the fleece had filled, When all the earth was dry around; Was from it afterwards withheld, And only fell upon the ground. | To Israel thus the heavenly dew Of saving truth was long restrained; Of which the Gentiles nothing knew, But dry and desolate remained. | But now the Gentiles have received The balmy dew of gospel peace And Israel, who his spirit grieved, Is left a dry and empty fleece. | This dew still falls at his command, To keep his chosen plants alive; They shall, though in a thirsty land, Like willows by the waters thrive. Is 44:4 | But chiefly when his people meet, To hear his word and seek his face; The gentle dew, with influence sweet, Descends and nourishes their grace. | But ah! what numbers still are dead, Though under means of grace they lie! The dew still falling round their head, And yet their heart untouched and dry. | Dear Savior, hear us when we call, To wrestling prayer an answer give; Pour down thy dew upon us all, That all may feel, and all may live. | |