Joseph of the Studium
ανεστης τριημερος.
θειω καλυϕθεις.
After three days Thou didst rise Visible to mortal eyes: First the Eleven worshipped Thee,— Then the rest in Galilee: Then a cloud in glory bore Thee to Thine own native shore. | 21O Boldly David poured the strain: GOD ascends to Heav’n again: With the trumpet’s pealing note Alleluias round Him float; As He now, by hard-won right, Seeks the Fount of purest Light! | Crime on crime, and grief on grief, Left the world without relief: Now that aged, languid race, GOD hath quickened by His grace: As Thy going up we see, Glory to Thy Glory be! | Darkness and awe, when Sinai’s top he trod, Taught him of faltering tongue the Law of GOD: 211 The mist was scattered from his spirit’s eye, He praised and hymned the Maker of the sky, When He That is and was and shall be, passed by. | |