
« Prev Ode 4: Rod of the Root of Jesse Next »



Cosmas, the Melodist, 760

Ραβδος εκ της ριζης.

Rod of the Root of Jesse,

Thou, Flower of Mary born,

From that thick shady mountain 1414The reference is to the Song of Habakkuk; [3:3], where the LXX. give—“GOD shall come from Teman, and the Holy from the thick and shady mountain of Paran.”

Cam’st glorious forth this morn:

Of her, the ever Virgin,

Incarnate wast Thou made,

The immaterial Essence,

The GOD by all obeyed!

Glory, LORD, Thy servants pay

To Thy wondrous might today!


The Gentiles’ expectation,

Whom Jacob’s words foretell,

Who Syria’s pride shalt vanquish,

Samaria’s pride shalt quell;

Thou from the Root of Judah

Like some fair plant dost spring,

To turn old Gentile error

To Thee, its GOD and King!

Glory, LORD, Thy servants pay

To Thy wondrous might today!

In Balaam’s ancient vision

The Eastern seers were skilled,

They marked the constellations,

And joy their spirits filled:

For Thou, bright Star of Jacob,

Arising in Thy might,

Didst call these Gentiles first-fruits

To worship in Thy light.

They in holy reverence bent,

Gifts acceptable present.


As on a fleece descending

The gentle dews distil,

As drops the earth that water,

The Virgin didst Thou fill.

For Media, leagued with Sheba,

Falls down and worships Thee:

Tarshish and Ethiopia,

The Isles and Araby.15151st ed. reverses the order of the previous two pairs of lines.

Glory, LORD, Thy servants pay

To Thy wondrous might today!

[In Mr. Young’s book. The melody by Dr. Schroeder.]

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