
« Prev Hymn 222: To-day is added to our time Next »


James Montgomery

The Flight of Time an incentive to Religious Diligence.

To-day is added to our time,

Yet while we sing, it glides away;

How soon shall we be past our prime;

For where, alas! is yesterday?


Gone--gone into eternity:

There, every day in turn appears;

Tomorrow--O 'twill never be,

If we should live a thousand years!

Our time is all to-day, to-day,

The same, though changed;--and while it flies,

With still small voice the moments say--

"To-day, to-day, be wise, be wise!"

Then wisdom from above impart,

Lord God! send forth Thy light and truth,

To guide our feet, inform our heart,

And make us Christians from our youth.

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