James Montgomery
Prayers on Pilgrimage.--"Lord help me."--Matt. xv. 25.
II. Blessed be Thy name, Jesus Christ!--the same Yesterday, to-day, for ever, What from Thee my soul shall sever, While I hear Thy voice, And in Thee rejoice? | Guide me with Thine eye; Warn to fight or fly, When the foe, a lion raging, Or, with serpent guile assuaging, Comes in wrath to tear, Or by fraud ensnare. | Hold me with Thine hand, For by faith I stand; On Thy strength my sole reliance, In Thy truth my whole affiance; Then where'er I roam, I am travelling home. | Lord, Thy word is light; Led by it aright, When a pilgrim, like my Fathers, Life's last shadow round me gathers, May its brightening ray Shine to perfect day. | With my latest breath, Overcoming death, 198 From the body disencumber'd With thy Saints in glory number'd, Jesus, may I be Found in peace with Thee. | |