The lighthouse founded on a rock, Casts o'er the flood its radiant eye, Firm amidst ocean's heaviest shock, Serene beneath the stormiest sky. | Though winds and waters rage and foam, Though darkness lowers like Egypt's night, Here peace and safety find a home; In this small Goshen there is light. | Nor for itself it stands alone, The seaman's friend, it shines from far, As though an angel from the throne Came down to be his leading star. | It warns to shun the breakers near, Smooth into port the vessel guides, Points where a wider course to steer, Shows how to 'scape conflicting tides. | Thus built upon eternal truth, High in mid-heaven o'er land and sea, Christ's Church holds forth to age and youth A beacon and a sanctuary. | 147 Light, peace, and safety dwell within, Abroad its sunbright beams display, Clear from the rocks and shoals of sin, Through life and death, the one good way. | |