James Montgomery
The Soul.
What is the thing of greatest price, The whole creation round? That, which was lost in Paradise, That, which in Christ is found. | The soul of man,--Jehovah's breath! That keeps two worlds at strife; Hell moves beneath to work its death, Heaven stoops to give it life. | God, to reclaim it, did not spare His well-beloved Son; Jesus, to save it, deign'd to bear The Sins of all in One. | The Holy Spirit sealed the plan, And pledged the blood divine, To ransom every soul of man; That price was paid for mine. | 9 And is this treasure borne below In earthly vessels frail; Can none its utmost value know, Till flesh and spirit fail? | Then let us gather round the Cross, This knowledge to obtain, Not by the soul's eternal loss, But everlasting gain. | |