James Montgomery
Sunday School Union Jubilee, 1853.
The grace of Jesus Christ our Lord, The Father's love with sweet accord, The Holy Ghost's communion be Our bond of peace and amity. | This is the threefold cord that binds The sympathies of kindred minds, And draws them to that Glorious Three, The One eternal Deity. | Thus God to man Himself reveals, His people calls, redeems, and seals, Who one with Him in spirit are, In answer to Christ's farewell prayer. | Nor time, nor place, nor life, nor death, Decaying strength, departing breath, Can loose or break that holy cord, Laid on them by their loving Lord. | This was the very cord of love, Which drew Him from His throne above; With it He makes Sin's prisoners free, And captive leads captivity. | 375 Bound with this covenant to-day, We rest as pilgrims on our way, Past trials thankfully review, And cheerfully prepare for new. | |