
« Prev Hymn 341: Love is the theme of saints above Next »


James Montgomery

For the Sunday School Jubilee, September 14th, 1831.


Love is the theme of saints above;

Love be the theme of saints below;

Love is of God, for God is Love;

With love let every bosom glow:--

Love, stronger than the grasp of Death,

Love that rejoices o'er the grave,

Love to the Author of our breath,

Love to His Son, who came to save;--

Love to the Spirit of all grace,

Love to the Scriptures of all truth,

Love to our whole apostate race,

Love to the aged, love to youth;--

Love to each other--soul and mind,

And heart and hand, with full accord,

In one sweet covenant combined,

To live and die unto the Lord.

Christ's little flock we then shall feed,

The lambs we in our arms shall bear,

Reclaim the lost, the feeble lead,

And watch o'er all in faith and prayer.


Thus through our isle, on all our bands,

The beauty of the Lord shall be;

And Britain, glory of all lands,

Plant Sabbath schools from sea to sea.

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