Weep, little children, weep, A father gone before; For those who loved to see his face, Shall see his face no more. | Yet all whom once he taught To sit at Jesus' feet, And seek the blessedness he sought, May him in glory meet. | Mourn, youths and maidens, mourn, Whom like a flock he led To living streams from Christ the rock, And in green pastures fed. | Walk in his footsteps here, So, in the heavenly fold, When the chief Shepherd shall appear, Be you with Him enroll'd. | Grieve, fellow teachers, grieve; With you he bore the Cross, And gladly, for a crown of life, Accounted all things loss. | Think with what power he spake, While tears his words outran, As though his very heart would break With love to God and man. | 355 His eye, his voice, his hand, Still marshal you along; A fearless, firm, united band, Quit you like men,--be strong! | Strong in the Lord was he, And valiant for the truth; Go, train your little ones to be, Christ's soldiers from their youth. | |