James Montgomery
Scriptural Examples of Piety and Obedience in the Young.
Isaac was ransom'd when he lay Upon the altar bound; Moses, an infant cast away, Pharaoh's own daughter found. | Joseph, by his false brethren sold, God raised above them all; To Hannah's child, the Lord foretold, How Eli's house must fall. | David the bear and lion slew And o'er Gath's champion trod; Josiah, from his boyhood, knew His father David's God. | To good Naomi gentle Ruth Clave with a daughter's soul; A little maid reveal'd the truth, Whence Naaman was made whole. | Children are thus Jehovah's care; Thus youth may seek His face; Since His own Son He did not spare, With Him He gives all grace: | Grace, like the young of whom we read, Early in Him to trust; A Friend in need, a Friend indeed, As merciful as just. | 353 Lord, while like them our course we read, Be Thou to us that Friend, And in the footsteps of Thy Son, Conduct us to the end. | |