James Montgomery
Children numbering their Days.
The pure and peaceful mind, The meek and lowly heart, The patient will to Thine resign'd God of all power impart. | Young though in years we be, In health and spirits strong; What is the life of man to Thee? The longest is not long. | 349 A thousand years, a day, Are equal in Thy sight; Our generations pass away, Like watches of the night. | Lord, make us timely wise To know our call of grace; And with the moment, as it flies, Run our appointed race: | Still keep the end in view, Tarry nor turn aside, Perils, allurements, bonds break through, Most faithful when most tried! | Thus, till we reach the goal, All else we count but loss; Nor till we gain the prize,--our soul,-- Grow weary of the Cross. | |