
« Prev Hymn 322: With heart and soul, with mind and might Next »


James Montgomery

For a Sunday School Meeting at Whitsuntide.

With heart and soul, with mind and might,

In many a glad and grateful throng,

The aged and the young unite

To sing their Pentecostal song.

This day brings sweet remembrances

Of hallow'd seasons gone before,

And pledges greater things than these,

To schools and teachers, still in store.

Thus every year bequeaths one day

Of special blessings to record;

With dear companions by the way,

While following on to know the Lord.

A gathering bore on pilgrimage

Refreshes thousands in their course;

A field-day here gives those who wage

War with the world, redoubled force.

Among the annals of the past,

This happiest day let us enrol,

And year by year, while life shall last,

Inscribe a happier on the scroll.

Can such a consummation be?--

This day is ours,--the only one;

To spend it for eternity

Will be the good work well begun.

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