James Montgomery
Appeal from Poor Children.
Friends of the poor, the young, the weak, Regard our humble train; Compassion at your hands we seek; Shall children plead in vain? | Were you not children once?--Renew The time when young as we; Think of the friends that nourish'd you, And hearken to our plea. | Are there not feelings from above, In every heart that reign? The pulse, the voice, the look of love:-- Shall Nature plead in vain? | Have you no dear ones round your hearth, As weak and young as we? Think, if like ours had been their birth, Could you resist the plea? | Have you not known a Saviour's grace, For man's redemption slain? Behold that Saviour in our place;-- Shall Jesus plead in vain? | No;--by His early griefs and tears, When poor and young as we; By all His woes in after years, Accept your Saviour's plea. | |