
« Prev Hymn 312: Friends of the poor, the young, the weak Next »


James Montgomery

Appeal from Poor Children.

Friends of the poor, the young, the weak,

Regard our humble train;

Compassion at your hands we seek;

Shall children plead in vain?

Were you not children once?--Renew

The time when young as we;

Think of the friends that nourish'd you,

And hearken to our plea.

Are there not feelings from above,

In every heart that reign?

The pulse, the voice, the look of love:--

Shall Nature plead in vain?

Have you no dear ones round your hearth,

As weak and young as we?

Think, if like ours had been their birth,

Could you resist the plea?

Have you not known a Saviour's grace,

For man's redemption slain?

Behold that Saviour in our place;--

Shall Jesus plead in vain?

No;--by His early griefs and tears,

When poor and young as we;

By all His woes in after years,

Accept your Saviour's plea.

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