
« Prev Hymn 309: A blessing on our pastor's head Next »


James Montgomery

Prayer for an Aged Minister.

A blessing on our pastor's head,

Lord God, we fervently implore;

On him this day a blessing shed,

For life, for death, for evermore.

For all that Thou in him hast wrought,

For all that Thou by him hast done,


Our warmest, purest thanks be brought,

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Thy Son.

To Thee be give his flower of youth,

To Thee his manhood's fruit he gave,

The herald of life-giving truth,

Dead souls from deathless death to save.

Forsake him not in his old age,

But while his Master's Cross he bears,

Faith be his staff on pilgrimage,

A crown of glory his grey hairs.

With holier zeal his heart enlarge,

Though strength decay, and sight grow dim,

That we, the people of his charge,

May glorify Thy grace in him.

So, when his warfare here shall cease,

By suffering perfected in love,

His ransom'd soul shall join in peace

The Church of the first-born above.

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