
« Prev Hymn 166: Dust and ashes, sin and guilt Next »


James Montgomery

Renewal in the Image of Christ.

Dust and ashes, sin and guilt,--

Christ, for me Thy blood was spilt;

Cleanse Thou me from guilt and sin,

Make Me pure without, within;

Soul and body, at Thy word,

Be to saving health restored.

Flesh and blood, this mortal frame;

Thou wert pleased to wear the same;

Though Thy nature was divine,

Thou didst condescend to mine;

Let me, for Thy mercy's sake,

Thy divinity partake.


From the ruins of the fall,

Me to grace and glory call:

Me, O Lord my Righteousness!

With Thine image re-impress;

Thou didst stoop to earth for me;

Raise me up to heaven with Thee.

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