Our Master, Jesus, reign'd above, The Lord of all was He; And yet He chose to set His love, O wondrous love! on me. | Our Master, Jesus,--bless His name! I love to hear the sound,-- When I was lost to seek me came, And, O thank God! He found. | Our Master, Jesus, from His birth My sins and sorrows bore; And while He lived, like me, on earth, A servant's form He wore. | Our Master, Jesus, went to preach The Gospel every where, And by His own example teach How we the Cross should bear. | Our Master, Jesus, O how kind Was all He did and said! He heal'd the sick, the lame, the blind, And raised to life the dead, | 269 Our Master, Jesus, crucified By hands of wicked men, Pray'd for His murderers;--then He died; He died, but rose again. | Our Master, Jesus, suffer'd this, The world from hell to save, And bring to heaven's amazing bliss, The free man and the slave. | Our Master, Jesus, takes delight In hearts made pure within; Though we are black, our souls are white, When He forgives our sin. | Our Master, Jesus, who didst give Thyself to die for me, Grant the poor negro grace to live, And grace to die to Thee. | |