A grain of corn an infant's hand May plant upon an inch of land, Whence twenty stalks may spring, and yield Enough to stock a little field. | The harvest of that field might then Be multiplied to ten times ten, Which sown thrice more, would furnish bread Wherewith an army might be fed. 262 | A penny is a little thing Which even the poor man's child may fling Into the treasury of heaven, And make it worth as much as seven. | As seven! nay, worth its weight in gold, And that increased a million fold; For lo! a penny tract, if well Applied, may save a soul from hell. | That soul can scarce be saved alone,-- It must, it will, its bliss make known; "Come," it will cry, "and you shall see What great things God hath done for me." | Hundreds that joyful sound may hear Hear with the heart as well as ear; And these to thousands more proclaim, Salvation in the "Only Name." | That "Only Name," above, below, Let Jews, and Turks, and Pagans know; Till every tongue and tribe shall call On "Jesus Christ" as Lord of all! | The day of small things God will not Despise, the least are unforgot; An orphan's offering, widow's mite, Are precious in their Maker's sight. | Children! who now hosannas raise, Out of whose mouths He perfects praise, 263 Spare from the little you possess, What God will own, accept and bless. | Till through the east, the south, the west, Gifts from the north will be so blest, That, in the end, earth's countless throngs Shall sing with us this song of songs:-- | "Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain, Power, riches, honour to obtain, Who loved and wash'd us in His blood, And made us kings and priests to God." | |