Moments and minutes, hours and days, To weeks, and months, and years amount; Not one beyond its date delays: For these we each must soon account. | 205 How well, how ill, howe'er employ'd, Our health, our strength, our talents lent; All we have suffer'd and enjoy'd, In wisdom or in folly spent:-- | The secret things in darkness seal'd, All we have felt, thought, spoken, done; In heaven's pure light must be reveal'd, When time's last act puts out the sun. | With every twinkling of an eye, With every step, pulse, motion, breath; The longest human life draws nigh, And nigher to the gates of death. | The past we never can recall, The present none has power to hold; The future is not--few of all The millions born on earth grow old. | What, then, are we, and whither bent? Our Saviour calls--let us obey; This moment, minute, hour, repent, And live for ever from this day. | |