James Montgomery
God universally worshipped.
All Thy works, with one accord, Magnify Thee, mighty Lord! While the heavens Thy glory show, Earth extols Thy love below. | Day to day doth utter speech, Night to night Thy knowledge teach: Nature's universal frame Answers--"Hallow'd be Thy name." | Life, through all its breathing forms, Death, from darkness, dust, and worms, In ten thousand wondrous ways, Fearfully set forth Thy praise. | Here, the lips of Infancy Sweet Hosannas sing to Thee; Youth and Age, in louder lays, Joyful Hallellujahs raise. | 96 While adoring Seraphim Thine eternal Godhead hymn, Saints redeem'd, with glory crown'd, Calvary's cross, won triumphs sound. | May Thy Church from age to age, In her house of pilgrimage, Train for Thee her convert-throngs, And thy statutes be their songs. | |