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Note from John Bechard, creator of this Electronic text.
The following is a list of Scottish words which are found in George MacDonald’s “Robert Falconer”. I have compiled this list myself and worked out the definitions from context with the help of Margaret West, from Leven in Fife, Scotland, and also by referring to a word list found in a collection of poems by Robert Burns, “Chamber’s Scots Dialect Dictionary from the 17th century to the Present” c. 1911 and “Scots-English English-Scots Dictionary” Lomond Books c. 1998. I have tried to be as thorough as possible given the limited resources and welcome any feedback on this list which may be wrong (my e-mail address is This was never meant to be a comprehensive list of the National Scottish Language, but rather an aid to understanding some of the conversations and references in this text in the Broad Scots. I do apologise for any mistakes or omissions. I aimed for my list to be very comprehensive, and it often repeats the same word in a plural or diminutive form. As well, it includes words that are quite obvious to native English speakers, only spelled in such a way to demonstrate the regional pronunciation.
This list is a compressed form that consists of three columns for ‘word’, ‘definition’, and ‘additional notes’. It is set up with a comma between each item and a hard return at the end of each definition. This means that this section could easily be cut and pasted into its own text file and imported into a database or spreadsheet as a comma separated variable file (.csv file). Failing that, you could do a search and replace for commas in this section (I have not used any commas in my words, definitions or notes) and replace the commas with spaces or tabs.
a', all; every, also have
a' gait, everywhere,
a' thing, everything; anything,
abeelity, ability,
abettin', abetting,
a'body, everyone; everybody,
aboon, above; up; over,
aboord, aboard,
aboot, about,
aboot it an' aboot it, all about,
abune, above; up; over,
accep's, accepts,
accoont, account,
accoonts, accounts,
accordin', according,
acquant, acquainted,
a'-creatin', all-creating,
ae, one,
aff, off; away; past; beyond,
aff-gang, outlet,
afflickit, afflicted,
affoord, afford,
affront, affront; disgrace; shame,
affrontet, affronted; disgraced, also ashamed; shamed
afit, afoot; on foot,
afore, before; in front of,
aforehan', beforehand,
aften, often,
aftener, more often,
agen, against,
aheid, ahead,
ahin', behind; after; at the back of,
ahint, behind; after; at the back of,
aiblins, perhaps; possibly,
aidin', aiding,
ailin', ailing; sick,
ain, own, also one
airin', airing,
airm, arm,
airm-cheir, armchair,
airms, arms, also coat of arms; crest
airmy, army,
airth, earth,
aise, ashes,
ait, eat,
aither, either,
aiths, oaths,
aitin', eating,
aits, oats,
alane, alone,
alang, along,
alloo, allow,
allooed, allowed,
Almichty,Almighty; God,
amaist, almost,
amang, among; in; together with,
amen's, amends,
amo', among,
amuntit, amounted,
an', and,
ance, once,
ane, one, also a single person or thing
aneath, beneath; under,
anent, opposite to; in front of, also concerning
anes, ones,
angert, angered; angry, also grieved
anither, another,
answerin', answering,
answert, answered,
a'ready, already,
aricht, aright,
aside, beside, also aside
aspirin', aspiring,
astarn, astern,
'at, that,
ate, hate, also eat
a'thegither, all together,
a'thing, everything; anything,
'at's, that is; that has,
attreebuted, attributed,
atweel, indeed; truely; of course,
atween, between,
aucht, eight; eighth, also ought; own; possess
aul', old,
auld, old,
aulder, older,
aumrie, cupboard; pantry; store-closet,
aumry, cupboard; pantry; store-closet,
a'-uphaudin', all-upholding; all-supporting,
ava, at all; of all, exclamation of banter; ridicule
awa, away; distant, also off; go away
awa', away; distant, also off; go away
awaur, aware,
aweel, ah well; well then; well,
awfu', awful,
awpron, apron,
ay, yes; indeed, exclamation of surprise; wonder
aye, yes; indeed,
ayont, beyond; after,
bade, did bide,
badena, did not bide,
bagonet, bayonet,
bailey, civic dignitary; magistrate,
bairn, child,
bairnie, little child, diminutive
bairns, children,
baith, both,
bakehoose, bakery,
baneless, insipid; without pith,
banes, bones,
barfut, barefoot,
barrin', barring,
barrowfu', wheelbarrow full,
baubee, halfpenny,
baubees, halfpennies,
bauchles, old pair of shoes, also shoes down at the heel
baukie, bat,
beggit, begged,
beginnin', beginning,
begud, began,
behaud, withhold; wait; delay, also behold
behavin', behaving,
bein', being,
beir, bear,
beirer, bearer,
beirs, bears,
bejan, first year's student, at a Scottish university
belangs, belongs,
believin', believing,
ben' leather, thick leather for soling boots/shoes,
bena, be not; is not,
bend-leather, thick leather for soling boots/shoes,
benn, in; inside; into; within; inwards, also inner room
benn the hoose, in/into the parlour, best room of the house
beowty, beauty,
beuks, books,
beyon', beyond,
bide, endure; bear; remain; live, also desire; wish
bides, endures; bears; remains; lives, also stays for
biggit, built,
bilin', boiling, also the whole quantity
bin', bind,
binna, be not,
birse, bristle; hair; plume of hair,
bit, but; bit, also small; little--diminutive
bitch,, term of contempt usually applied to a man
bitin', biting,
bittie, little bit, diminutive
bittock, a little bit; a short distance,
blaeberries, blueberries,
blastit, blasted,
blate, over-modest; bashful; shy,
blaud, spoil; injure; soil,
blaudit, spoiled; injured; soiled,
blaw, blow,
blecks, nonplusses; perplexes; beats,
blessin', blessing,
blether, talk nonsense; babble; boast,
bletherin', talking nonsense; babbling; boasting,
blethers, talks nonsense; babbles; boasts, nonsense; foolish talk
blin', blind,
blink, take a hasty glance; ogle, also shine; gleam; twinkle; glimmer
blinner, blinder,
blude, blood,
bluidy, bloody,
boasom, bosom,
boatles, bottles,
boddom, bottom,
body, person; fellow, also body
boglet, bamboozled; terrified,
bonnet, man's cap,
bonnetfu', bonnetful; capful,
bonnets, man's caps,
bonnie, good; beautiful; pretty; handsome,
bonniest, best; most beautiful; prettiest, also considerable
bonny, good; beautiful; pretty; handsome,
boodie, ghost; hobgoblin,
booin', bowing,
bools, marbles,
boon', bound,
boord, board (i.e. room and board),
bothie, cottage in common for farm-servants,
boucht, bought,
bourach, heap; cluster; mound,
bowat, stable-lantern,
bowie, small barrel or cask,
boxie, little box, diminutive
brae, hill; hillside; high ground by a river,
braid, broad; having a strong accent,
brak, break,
brakfast, breakfast,
brat, child, term of contempt
braw, beautiful; good; fine, also lovely (girl); handsome (boy)
brawly, admirably; very; very much; well,
breedth, breadth,
breeks, breeches; trousers,
breid, bread,
breist, breast,
breists, breasts,
breith, breath,
breme-bush, broom-bush, also simpleton
brewin', brewing,
brig, bridge,
brither, brother,
brithers, brothers; fellows,
brithren, brethren; brothers,
brocht, brought,
broo, brow; eyebrow,
broucht, brought,
browst, brewage; booze, also the consequences of one's own acts
bruik, broke,
brunt, burned,
bude, would prefer to; behoved, also must; had to
budena, must not; could not; might not,
buff, nonsense,
buik, book, also Bible
buiks, books,
bund, bound,
burd alane, quite alone, also the only surviving child of a family
burn, water; stream; brook,
burnin', burning,
burnside, along the side of a stream,
buss, bush; shrub; thicket,
butes, boots,
butt, main room in a croft; outside, includes kitchen and storage
butt the hoose, into the house; into the kitchen,
by ordinar, out of the ordinary; supernatural, also unusual
by ordinar', out of the ordinary; supernatural, also unusual
by-ordinar, out of the ordinary; supernatural, also unusual
byous, exceedingly; extraordinary; very,
ca, drive; impel; hammer,
ca', call; name,
ca'd, called,
cadger, carrier; pedlar,
ca'in', calling,
cairds, cards,
cairriage, carriage,
cairriet, carried,
cairry, carry,
cairryin', carrying,
calfie, little calf, diminutive
callant, stripling; lad, term of affection
cam, came,
cam', came,
camna, did not come,
camstairie, unmanageable; wild; obstinate,
camstairy, unmanageable; wild; obstinate,
camstary, unmanageable; wild; obstinate,
can'le, candle,
canna, cannot, also cotton-grass
canny, cautious; prudent; shrewd; artful,
cap, wooden cup or bowl,
capt'n, captain,
carena, do not care,
carldoddies, stalks of rib-grass, also term of endearment
carritchis, catechism,
ca's, calls,
cast up, taunt; reproach,
catchin', catching,
cattle, lice; fleas, used contemptuously of persons
cauld, cold,
caure, calves,
'cause, because,
caw, drive; impel; hammer,
cawed, driven; impeled; hammered,
cawin', driving; impeling; hammering,
ceevil, civil,
'cep', except; but,
chackit, checkered,
chairge, charge,
chap, knock; hammer; strike; rap,
chappit, knocked; hammered; struck; rapped,
chaps, knocks; hammers; strikes; raps,
chaumer, chamber; room; bedroom,
cheep, chirp; creak; hint; word,
cheerman, chairman,
chessel, tub for pressing cheese,
chice, choice,
chiel', child; young person; fellow, term of fondness or intimacy
chield, child; young person; fellow, term of fondness or intimacy
chimla-lug, fireside,
chits, sweetbreads,
chop, shop; store,
circumspec', circumspect,
claes, clothes; dress,
claikin', clucking (like a hen), also talk much in a trivial way
claith, cloth,
clams, vice or pincers, used by saddlers and shoemakers
clap, press down; pat; fondle,
clashes, blows; slaps; messes, also gossip; tittle-tattle
clash-pyet, tell-tale; scandal-monger,
clean, altogether; entirely, also comely; shapely; empty; clean
cleant, cleaned,
clear-e'ed, clear-eyed,
cleed, clothe; shelter,
cleedin', clothing; sheltering,
cleuks, claws; hands; paws,
clo'en, cloven,
clomb, climbed,
clood, cloud,
cloods, clouds,
cloody, cloudy,
close, narrow alley; blind alley, also enclosed land
closin', closing,
clype, tell tales; gossip,
coaties, children's coats; petticoats,
coaton, cotton,
coats, petticoats,
coch, coach,
coches, coaches,
coff, buy,
colliginer, college student, also college boy
Come yer wa's butt.,Come on in.,
comin', coming,
comman'ment, commandment,
compleen, complain,
con thanks, return thanks,
considerin', considering,
contradickit, contradicted,
contrairy, contrary,
contred, contradicted; thwarted; crossed,
convence, convince,
conversin', conversing,
convertit, converted,
coorse, coarse, also course
coort, court,
corbie, crow; raven,
cornel, colonel,
correck, correct,
cottar, farm tenant; cottager,
cottars, farm tenants; cottagers,
cottar-wark, stipulated work done by the cottager,
couldna, could not,
coupit, tilted; tumbled; drank off,
couples, rafters,
crackin', cracking,
cracklin', crackling,
crap o' the wa', natural shelf between wall and roof,
crappit, topped; cropped; lopped,
crappit heids, stuffed head of cod or haddock,
crater, creature,
cratur, creature,
craturs, creatures,
cried, called; summoned,
crookit, crooked,
croon, crown,
croudin', cooing; croaking; groaning,
Cry Moany,Cremona, make of violin
cryin', calling; summoning,
cryin' doon, decrying; depreciating,
cud, could,
cudna, could not,
culd, could,
cumber, encumbrance; inconvenience,
cunnin', cunning,
curst, cursed,
cuttin', cutting,
cutty pipe, short tobacco-pipe,
cwytes, petticoats,
dacent, decent,
dame, young unmarried woman; damsel, also farmer's wife
damnin', damning; condemning,
dancin', dancing,
dang, knock; bang; drive, also damn
darnin', darning,
dauchter, daughter,
daunerin', strolling; sauntering; ambling,
daur, dare; challenge,
daured, dared; challenged,
daurna, dare not; do not dare,
daursay, dare say,
dauty, darling; pet, term of endearment
dawtie, darling; pet, term of endearment
daylicht, daylight,
debosh, excessive indulgence; debauch, also extravagance; waste
deboshed, debauched; worthless,
deceitfu', deceitful,
deceivin', deceiving,
dee, do, also die
deed, died, also deed; indeed
'deed, indeed,
dee'd, died,
deein', doing, also dying
deevil, devil,
deevil-ma'-care, devil-may-care; utterly careless, also no matter
deevilry, devilry,
deevils, devils,
deid, dead,
deif, deaf,
deil, devil, also not
de'il, devil, also not
De'il a bit!,Not at all! Not a bit!,
deith, death,
deleeberately, deliberately,
dementit, demented; mad; crazy,
denner, dinner,
desertit, deserted,
desperate, exceedingly; beyond measure, also irreclaimable; very bad
didna, did not,
differ, difference; dissent, also differ
dingin', overcoming; wearying; vexing, also raining/snowing heavily
dinna, do not,
direckly, directly; immediately,
dirt, worthless persons or things, term of contempt
dishcloot, cloth for washing dishes,
disna, does not,
disoun, disown,
distinckly, distinctly,
div, do,
divots, thin flat pieces of sod,
dochter, daughter,
doesna, does not,
doin', doing,
doin's, doings,
doited, foolish; stupefied; crazy,
dominie, minister; schoolmaster, slightly contemptuous
dooble, double; duplicate, also double dealing; devious
dooble-sole, double-sole,
doobt, suspect; know; doubt, have an unpleasant conviction
doobtin', suspecting; knowing, also doubting
doobtless, doubtless,
doobts, suspects; knows, also doubts
dooce, gentle; sensible; sober; prudent,
dooms, extremely; exceedingly; very,
doon, down,
doonricht, downright,
door-cheek, door-post; threshold; doorway,
door-stane, flagstone at the threshold of a door,
dother, daughter,
dottled, crazy; in dotage,
douce, gentle; sensible; sober; prudent,
dowie, sad; lonely; depressing; dismal, also ailing
draigon, dragon; also boy's paper kite, reference to Revelation 12-13
draigons, dragons, also boys' paper kites
dram, glass of whisky,
drap, drop; small quantity of,
drap i' the hoose, presence of someone unknown,
drappit, dropped,
drappy, little drop; a little (liquor), diminutive
drauchts, plans; schemes; policies, also lineaments of the face
drave, drove,
drawin', drawing,
dreadfu', dreadful,
dreamin', dreaming,
drear, dreary; dreariness; tedium,
dreidfu', dreadful; dreadfully,
drift, snow driven by the wind,
driftin', drifting, snow driven by the wind
drinkin', drinking,
drivin', driving,
droont, drowned,
drucken, drunken; tipsy,
drum-heid, drum head,
drunken, drank; drunk,
du, do,
duin', doing,
dumfoundered, perplexed; stunned; amazed,
dune, done,
dunna, do not,
duv, do,
duvna, do not,
dwalls, dwells,
d'ye, do you,
dyke, wall of stone or turf,
eaves-drapper, eavesdropper,
ee, eye,
een, eyes,
e'en, even; just; simply; equal, also eyes; evening
efter, after; afterwards,
efterhin, after; afterwards,
efternune, afternoon,
eident, industrious; diligent; steady,
elbuck, elbow,
eleckit, elected, chosen by God for salvation (Calvinism)
ellwand, ell-wand; ruler; yardstick,1 ell = 37 inches or 94 cm
en', end,
endit, ended,
eneuch, enough,
enjoyin', enjoying,
eppiteet, appetite,
er, ere; before,
er', ere; before,
Erse,Irish; Gaelic,
etairnity, eternity,
ewie, young ewe,
exackly, exactly,
excep', except,
expairience, experience,
expeckin', expecting,
expecs, expects,
eyther, either,
fa', fall; befall,
fac', fact; truth; reality,
fac's, facts; truths; realities,
factor, manager of a landed property, lets farms; collects rents
fact'ry, factory,
faddom, fathom,
fa'en, fallen,
failin', failing,
faimilies, families,
faimily, family,
fain, eager; anxious; fond, also fondly; gladly
fa'in', falling,
fairmy, little farm, diminutive
Faith!,Indeed!; Truly!, exclamation
fallow, fellow; chap,
fan', found, also felt
fand, found,
farrer, farther,
fash, trouble; inconvenience; vex,
faun't, found,
faured, favoured; featured,
faut, fault; blame,
fau'ts, faults,
feared, afraid; frightened; scared,
fearfu', fearful; easily frightened,
fearsome, terrifying; fearful; awful,
feart, afraid; frightened; scared,
feelin', feeling,
fegs!, truly!; really!; goodness!, mild oath; exclamation of surprise
feifteen, fifteen,
fell, very; potent; keen; harsh; sharp, intensifies; also turf
feow, few,
ferlie, wonder; novelty; curiosity,
fess, fetch; bring,
fest, fast,
festen, fasten; bind,
fiddlin', fiddling,
fin', find, also feel
fir-can'le, a torch; 'firwood' used as a candle,
fishin', fishing,
fit, foot; base, also fit; capable; able
flax, flax; wick,
flech, flea,
fleys, terrifies; frightens,
fleyt, terrified; frightened,
flingin', kicking; throwing,
flittin', shifting; removing; departing,
flooers, flowers,
flure, floor,
flurin', flooring,
forby, as well; as well as; besides, also over and above
forbye, as well; as well as; besides, also over and above
foresicht, foresight,
foret, forward,
forgather, assemble; encounter, also meet for a special purpose
forgathert, assembled; encountered, also met for a special purpose
forgettin', forgetting,
forgie, forgive,
forgien, forgiven,
fortnicht, fortnight; two weeks,
fou, full; well-fed,
fouchten, fought,
fower-hoors, four o'clock tea,
fowk, folk,
frae, from,
freely, quite; very; thoroughly,
freits, superstitions; charms, also superstitious fancies
fremt, stranger, also strange; foreign
fren', friend,
fricht, frighten; scare away, also fright
frichtit, frightened; scared away,
frichtsome, frightful,
frien', friend,
frien's, friends,
frien'ship, friendship,
fu', full; very; much,
fule, fool,
fummles, fumbles,
fun', found,
fun-buss, whin-bush,
fund, found,
furbye, as well; as well as; besides, also over and above
fushionless, pithless; tasteless; feeble,
fut, foot,
gae, gave,
gaed, went,
gaein', going,
gae's, gave us; gave his,
gaird, guard; watch,
gait, way; fashion, also route; street
gaither, gather,
ga'le, gable,
gane, gone,
gang, go; goes; depart; walk,
gang yer wa's, go on,
gangs, goes; walks,
gar, cause; make; compel,
garred, made; caused; compelled,
garrin', making; causing; compelling,
gars, makes; causes; compels,
gart, made; caused; compelled,
gar't, make it; cause it; compel it,
gate, way; route, also method; fashion; habit
gatherin', gathering,
gaun, going,
'gen, by; in time for; whether,
German Ocean,, old reference to the English Channel & North Sea
gether, gather,
gettin', getting,
gey, fairly; considerably, also considerable
gi', give,
gie, give,
gie a lift, give a helping hand,
gied, gave,
giein', giving,
gien, if; as if; then; whether, also given
gi'en, given,
giena, do not give,
gies, gives,
gie's, gives; give us; give his,
gill, tipple; drink,
gin, if; as if; then; whether,
gird, hoop for a barrel or tub,
girn, grimace; snarl; twist the features,
glaid, glad,
glaidly, gladly,
glaiss, glass,
gleds, kites; buzzards,
gleg, quick; lively; smart; quick-witted,
Glendronach, particular brand of whisky,
glimmerin', glimmering,
gloamin', twilight; dusk,
gloggie, insipid; artificial; unnatural,
glowered, stared; gazed; scowled,
goin', going,
goon, gown,
goul, howl; yell; whine,
gowd, gold,
gowk, cuckoo; fool; blockhead,
gran', grand; capital; first-rate,
grandmither, grandmother,
gran'father, grandfather,
gran'mither, grandmother,
grat, cried; wept,
gravestane, gravestone; tombstone; headstone,
greet, cry; weep,
greetin', crying; weeping,
greit, cry; weep,
greitin', crying; weeping,
greits, cries; weeps,
grew, greyhound,
grip, grasp; understand, also hold
grips, grasps; understands, seizures; colic
growin', growing,
grun', ground,
grup, grip; grasp,
grups, grips; grasp,
grutten, cried; wept,
gude, good, also God
gude-bye, goodbye,
gude-hertit, good-hearted,
gudeness, goodness,
guid, good, also God
guide, treat; handle; look after; save; keep,
Guidsake!,For God's sake!,
ha', have, also hall; house
haddie, haddock,
hadna, had not,
hae, have; has, also here
ha'e, have, also here
haein', having,
haena, have not,
hae't, have it,
haill, whole,
hairm, harm,
hairps, harps,
hairst, harvest,
hairst-play, school holidays during harvest,
Haith!,Faith!, exclamation of surprise
haithen, heathen,
haiven, heaven,
halesome, wholesome; pure,
half-dizzen, half-dozen,
half-stervit, half-starved,
hame, home,
han', hand,
han'fu', handful,
hangin', hanging,
hangt, hanged,
hang't, hanged,
han'le, handle,
han'led, handled; treated,
han'let, handled,
han's, hands,
hantle, much; large quantity; far,
hard, heard, also hard
hash, mess; muddle,
hasna, does not have,
haud, hold; keep,
hauden, held; kept,
haudin', holding; keeping,
hauld, hold,
haveless, careless (therefore helpless), also wasteful; incompetent
haven, heaven,
haverin', talking incoherently; babbling,
havers, nonsense; foolish talk; babble,
hay-sow, long oblong stack of hay, shaped like a sow
he that will to Cupar maun to Cupar, a wilful man must have his way,
heap, very much, also heap
heardna, did not hear,
hearin', hearing,
hearken, hearken; hear; listen,
hearkened, hearkened; heard; listened,
hearkenin', hearkening; listening,
hearkent, hearkened; heard; listened,
hecklet, cross-questioned; examined,
hed, had, also hid
heepocreet, hypocrite,
heicht, height,
heid, head; heading,
heids, heads; headings,
helpin', helping,
helpit, helped,
her lane, on her own,
hersel', herself,
hert, heart,
hertily, heartily,
herts, hearts,
het, hot; burning,
hev, have,
Hielan'man,Highland man,
hillo,, a call to attract attention
him lane, on his own,
himsel', himself,
hinder, hinder; hind; latter,
hine, away; afar; to a distance,
hing, hang,
hingin', hanging,
hings, hangs,
hinnerance, hinderance,
hinney, honey,
hintit, hinted,
hips, borders of a district,
hiz, us, emphatic
hizzies, hussies; silly girls,
hoo, how,
hooever, however,
hooly, slowly; cautiously; gently, also 'take your time'
hoomble, humble,
hoombly, humbly,
hoor, hour,
hoo's, how is,
hoose, house,
hooses, houses,
hoot, pshaw, exclamation of doubt or contempt
Hoot awa!, tuts!; nonsense!, also exclamation of sympathy
hoot toot, tut!, exclamation of annoyance
hoots, pshaw, exclamation of doubt or contempt
horse-huves, horse hooves,
hose, stocking,
hostit, coughed,
houp, hope,
houpe, hope,
houps, hopes,
humblet, humbled,
hunger, hunger; starve,
hungert, starved,
hunner, hundred,
huntin', hunting,
hurdies, buttocks,
hurry an' a scurry, uproar; tumult,
hurtit, hurt,
huves, hooves,
hynd, straight; by the nearest road,
i', in; into,
I doobt,I know; I suspect,
I wat,I know; I assure (you),
ilk, every; each, also common; ordinary
ilka, every; each, also common; ordinary
ilkabody, everybody; everyone,
ill, bad; evil; hard; harsh; badly, also misfortune; harm
'ill, will,
ill-contrived, tricky; mischievous, also badly behaved; ill-tempered
ill-doin', badly behaved, also leading an evil life
ill-fashioned, vulgar in habits; ill-mannered, also quarrelsome
ill-faured, unbecoming; ill-mannered; clumsy, also unpleasant
ill-mainnert, ill-mannered,
ill-tongued, foul-tongued; abusive,
ill-used, used wrongly,
ill-willy, ill-tempered; spiteful; grudging, also reluctant
'im, him,
impidence, impudence,
imputin', imputing,
inheritin', inheriting,
in't, in it,
interesstin', interesting,
interferin', interfering,
interruppit, interrupted,
intil, into; in; within,
ir, are,
isna, is not; is no,
is't, is it,
ither, other; another; further,
'ither, other; another; further,
itsel', itself,
iver, ever,
jabberin', chattering; idle talking,
jaloosed, suspected; guessed; imagined,
jaud, lass; girl; worthless woman, old worn-out horse
jaw, billow; splash; surge; wave,
jawin', talking; chattering,
jeedgment, judgement,
jined, joined,
jines, joins,
jist, just,
judgin', judging,
jumps, tallies; coincides,
justifee, justify,
justifeein', justifying,
jyler, jailer,
kailyard, kitchen garden; small cottage garden,
keek, look; peep; spy,
keekin', looking; peeping; prying,
keepit, kept,
kelpie, water-sprite; river-horse,
ken, know; be acquainted with; recognise,
kenna, do not know,
kennin', knowing,
kens, knows,
kent, known; knew,
kep, keep; catch, also intercept; encounter
kickin', kicking,
kickit, kicked,
kin', kind; nature; sort; agreeable, also somewhat; in some degree
kin'ness, kindness,
kirk, church,
kirks, churches,
kirkyaird, churchyard,
kirstened, christened,
kirstenin', christening,
kissin', kissing,
kist, chest; coffer; box; chest of drawers,
kists, chests; coffers; boxes; luggage,
kitchie, kitchen,
kittlins, kittens,
kneipit, knocked,
lad, boy, term of commendation or reverence
laddie, boy, term of affection
laddies, boys, term of affection
lads, boys, term of commendation or reverence
laicher, lower,
laird, landed proprietor; squire; lord,
lameter, cripple, also lame
lammie, little lamb, term of endearment
lan', land; country; ground,
lane, lone; alone; lonely; solitary,
lang, long; big; large; many, also slow; tedious
langed, longed,
langer, longer,
lang-leggit, long legged,
lang's, long as,
lang-tailed, tedious,
lan'less, landless,
lap, leaped,
lapstane, stone on which a shoemaker, hammers his leather
lass, girl; young woman, term of address
lasses, girls; young women,
lassie, girl, term of endearment
lat, let; allow,
lat's, let's; let us; let his,
latten, let; allowed,
lattin', letting; allowing,
lauch, laugh,
lauchin', laughing,
lauchter, laughter,
lave, rest; remainder; others, also leave
laverock, lark (type of bird),
lea, leave,
lea', leave,
leadin', leading,
leal, loyal; faithful; sincere; true,
learnin', learning, also teaching
learnt, learned, also taught
leavin', leaving,
leddy, lady, also boy; lad; laddy
lee, pasture; fallow ground, also shelter from wind or rain; lie
leear, lier,
leebrary, library,
leed, lied; told lies,
leein', lying; telling lies,
lees, lies,
leevin', living; living being,
leiser, leisure,
len', lend; give; grant, also loan
len'th, length,
leuch, laughed,
leuk, look; watch; appearance,
leys, grasslands,
licht, light,
lichtlie, make light of; disparage,
lickin', thrashing; punishment,
lien, lain,
lift, load; boost; lift; helping hand, also sky; heavens
liket, liked,
likit, liked,
likliheid, likelyhood,
likly, likely,
limmer, rascal; rogue, also loose woman; prostitute
lingel, shoemaker's thread,
links, stretch of sandy grass-covered ground, near the seashore
lint-bells, flowers of the flax,
lippen, trust; depend on, also look after
list, enlist as a soldier,
livin', living,
'll, will,
lockit, locked,
longin', longing,
loon, rascal; rogue; ragamuffin, also boy; lad
loot, let; allowed; permitted,
Losh!, corrupt form of 'Lord', exclamation of surprise or wonder
losin', losing,
loup, leap; jump; spring,
loup-coonter lads, shopkeepers; salesmen,
loupin', leaping; jumping; springing,
loupin'-on-stane, horse-block,
lowse, loose; free, also dishonest; immoral
luckie-daddie, grandfather, also fondly regarded forefather
luckie-daiddie, grandfather, also fondly regarded forefather
luckie-minnie, grandmother,
lucky, old woman,
lucky-daiddy, grandfather, also fondly regarded forefather
lug, ear; fin (fish); handle, also shallow wooden dish
lugs, ears,
luik, look,
luikin', looking,
luikit, looked,
luiks, looks,
luve, love,
lyin', lying,
lythe, shelter,
'm, him,
ma, my,
magistrand, student about to become M.A., at Aberdeen University
maijesty, majesty,
mainner, manner,
mainners, manners,
mair, more; greater,
mairch, march,
mairry, marry,
maist, most; almost,
'maist, almost,
maist han', almost,
maister, master; mister,
maistly, mostly; most of all,
maitter, matter,
maitters, matters,
mak, make; do,
mak', make; do,
makin', making; doing,
maks, makes; does,
mak's, makes; does,
man-body, full grown man,
maukin, hare, also a reference to a poem by Burns
maun, must; have to,
maunna, must not; may not,
mayna, may not,
meanin', meaning,
meddlin', meddling,
meenit, minute,
meenits, minutes,
meenute, minute,
meesery, misery,
mell, mix; be intimate; meddle,
mem,Ma'am; Miss; Madam,
men', mend,
men'in', mending; healing,
men't, mended,
merchan's, merchants; shopkeepers,
mercifu', merciful; favourable,
mere, mare, also mere
merried, married,
merry, marry, also merry
micht, might,
michtna, might not,
michty, mighty; God,
midden, dunghill; manure pile,
middlin', tolerable; mediocre; fairly well,
mids, midst; middle,
mids', midst; middle,
min', mind; recollection, also recollect; remember
min' upo', remember,
mind, mind; recollection, also recollect; remember
ministert, ministered,
minit, minute,
mint, insinuate; hint; feign, also aim at; attempt
mintin', insinuating; hinting; feigning, also aiming at; attempting
mintit, insinuated; hinted; feigned, also aimed at; attempted
mirk, darkness; gloom; night,
mischeef, mischief; injury; harm,
misdoobt, doubt; disbelieve; suspect,
missionar', missionary,
mistak, mistake,
mither, mother,
mithers, mothers,
mizzer, measure,
moedesty, modesty,
mony, many,
moo', mouth,
moose, mouse,
mornin', morning,
morn's, tomorrow,
mou', mouth,
moufu', mouthful,
mou'fu', mouthful,
mould, mould; loose earth; top soil,
muckle, huge; enormous; big; great; much,
muckler, bigger; greater,
mull, snuff-box,
mune, moon,
munelicht, moonlight,
murnin', mourning,
mutch, woman's cap with protruding frill, worn under the bonnet
mutchkin, liquid measure, equal to an English pint
my lane, on my own,
mysel', myself,
na, not; by no means,
nae, no; none; not,
naebody, nobody; no one,
naething, nothing,
nane, none,
nanetheless, nonetheless,
nater, nature,
nat'ral, natural,
natur', nature,
naything, nothing,
nearhan', nearly; almost; near by,
near-han', nearly; almost; near by,
nears, kidneys,
nebs, tips; points; nibs; beaks,
neebor, neighbour,
neebors, neighbours,
neebour, neighbour,
needfu', needful; necessary; needy,
needna, do not need; need not,
ne'er-do-weel, an incorrigible; troublemaker,
neist, next; nearest,
nesty, nasty,
neuk, nook; recess; interior angle, also corner
news, talk; gossip,
nicht, night; evening,
niffer, exchange; barter,
no, not,
no', not,
noething, nothing,
noo, now,
noo', now,
noo a-days, now; in these days,
nor, than; although; if, also nor
nor's, than is,
notwithstandin', notwithstanding,
nuik, corner,
o', of; on,
objeck, object,
obleeged, obliged,
och,, exclamation of sorrow or regret
och hone, alas,
Od, disguised form of 'God', mince oath
odds, consequence; change,
o'er, over; upon; too,
ohn, without; un-, uses past participle not present progressive
on', and, possibly a mispelling--should be an'
onlike, unlike,
onsays, unsays,
ony, any,
onybody, anybody; anyone,
onything, anything,
ook, week,
ooks, weeks,
oor, our,
'oor, hour,
oors, ours,
oorsel's, ourselves,
oot, out,
ootcast, outcast,
oots, outs,
ootside, outside,
opingon, opinion,
opingons, opinions,
opposit, opposite,
or, before; ere; until; by, also or
ordinar, ordinary; usual; natural, also custom; habit
ordinar', ordinary; usual; natural, also custom; habit
orra, odd job (man); exceptional; over all, also idle
o't, of it,
oucht, anything; all, also ought
ouchtna, ought not,
oursel's, ourselves,
ow, oh, exclamation of surprise
ower, over; upon; too,
owerta'en, overtaken,
oye, grandchild; grandson; nephew,
pailace, palace,
paintit, painted,
pairt, part,
pandies, strokes on the palm with a cane,
papistry,Romanism; Popery,
parritch, oatmeal porridge,
partic'lar, particular,
pat, put; made,
peacefu', peaceful,
pecks, blows; strikes,
pernickety, precise; particular; fastidious, also difficult to please
perris, parish,
piana, piano,
picter, picture; sight; spectacle,
pictur', picture,
piece, slice of bread; lunch,
pint, point,
pipit, piped; played the (bag)pipes,
pirn, reel; bobbin, on which thread is wound
pit, put; make,
pitawta, potato,
pits, puts; makes,
pitten, put; made,
plack, the smallest coin, worth 1/3 of a penny
plaguit, plagued; troubled,
plaid, plaid used as a blanket,
plaistered, plastered,
plash-mill, fulling-mill,
playacks, playthings; toys,
play-actin', acting,
playin', playing,
playt, played,
pliskie, trick; prank; practical joke,
plisky, trick; prank,
ploy, amusement; sport; escapade,
ploys, amusements; sports; escapades,
poassible, possible,
poddock, frog,
pooch, pocket; pouch,
pooer, power,
pooerfu', powerful,
poored, poured,
poothers, powders,
pop', pope,
porkmanty, portmanteau,
positeeve, positive,
pouch, pouch; pocket,
poun', pound (sterling),
prayin', praying,
preachin', preaching,
pree, taste; try; prove; experience,
prent, print,
prentice-han', novice,
press, wall-cupboard with shelves,
preten', pretend,
preten't, pretended,
prood, proud,
pruv, prove,
pruved, proved,
pu', pull,
public, public house; pub,
public-hoose, public house,
pu'd, pulled,
puddin's, intestines,
puir, poor,
pun', pound (sterling),
putten, put,
quaiet, quiet,
quaiet sough, quiet tongue,
quaieter, quieter,
quaietly, quietly,
quaietness, quietness,
quean, queen; young girl; hussy,
queston, question, also sum
questons, questions, also sums
quest'ons, questions,
quibblin', quibbling,
rade, rode,
rael, real,
railly, really,
raither, rather,
rale, real; true; very,
rampaugin', rampaging,
randy, rough; wild; riotous, also coarse-tongued; abusive
rase, rose,
rash, needle used in weaving,
readin', reading,
reamy, creamy,
rebukit, rebuked,
receipt, recipe,
reckonin', reckoning,
reconceelin', reconciling,
reconcilet, reconciled,
reekit, rigged out; well-dressed,
regairdit, regarded,
reg'ment, regiment,
reid, red,
reik, smoke; vapour,
rejeckit, rejected,
remainin', remaining,
remeid, remedy; cure; redress,
repentin', repenting,
resentin', resenting,
respec', respect,
respecks, respects; considers worthy,
richt, right; correct, also mend
richteous, righteous,
richteousness, righteousness,
richtly, certainly; positively,
rig, ridge; space between furrows, also long narrow hill
rin, run,
rinnin', running,
rins, runs,
risin', rising,
rist, rest,
rivin', renting; tearing; tuging; wrenching,
rizzon, reason,
rizzonin', reasoning,
rizzons, reasons,
roarin', roaring,
rockit, rocked,
ro'd, road; course; way,
roof-tree, beam forming the angle of a roof,
roomy, little room, diminutive
roon, around; round,
roon', around; round,
roset, resin; cobbler's wax,
roset-ends, shoemaker's waxed thread-ends,
rottan, rat,
rouch, rough,
rowdie, hag; beldame,
ruck, bulk; mass; majority,
ruggin', pulling forcibly; tugging; tearing,
ruggin' and rivin', draging forcibly, also contending for possession
runklet, wrinkled; creased; crumpled,
's, us; his; as; is, also has
s', shall,
sae, so; as,
saft, muddy; soft; silly; foolish,
saiddlet, saddled,
sair, sore; sorely; sad; hard; very; greatly, also serve; satisfy
sair heid, headache,
sair-vroucht, hard-worked,
saitisfee, satisfy,
saitisfeed, satisfied,
saitisfeet, satisfied,
salamander, large poker with a flat heated end, for lighting fires
sall, shall,
sang, song,
sangs, songs,
sanna, shall not,
Sanny,Sandy, also Scotsman
sark, shirt,
sarks, shirts,
sattle, settle,
saven, wise; knowledgeable, also seven
savin', saving, also except
savin's, savings,
sax, six,
saxpence, sixpence,
sayin', saying,
scar, cliff; precipice,
scart, scratch; strike a match; scrape,
schuil, school,
schuilin', schooling; education,
schuilmaister, schoolmaster,
schule, school,
schule-time, time for school,
scoonrel, scoundrel,
scoon'rel, scoundrel,
scraich, shriek; scream; bird's shrill cry,
scrattit, scratched; dug,
screed, recite rapidly; talk tediously; reel off, also scraping sound
sculduddery, fornication; grossness; obscenity,
scunner, disgust; disgusting; revolting,
scunnert, disgusted; loathed,
scurry, scour; got about from place to place, also wander aimlessly
seck, sack,
seein', seeing,
seekin', seeking,
se'enteen, seventeen,
sel', self,
self-forgettin', self-forgetting,
sellt, sold,
semies, second year's university students, at Aberdeen University
sen', send,
sendin', sending,
sen'in', sending,
servan', servant,
servan's, servants,
sessions-buik, church record of its proceedings,
set, set out; start off; become, also inclined; disposed
shacken, shaken,
shackle-bane, wrist; wrist-bone,
shak'-doon, shakedown; crude makeshift bed,
shanna, shall not,
sharpset, keen; sharp-witted,
sharp-set, keen; sharp-witted,
shaw, show; reveal, also grove
shawn, shown,
shaws, shows,
shearin', shearing (sheep),
shillin', shilling,
shillin's, shillings,
shinin', shining,
shochlin, waddling; in-kneed,
shochlin', waddling; in-kneed,
shoothers, shoulders,
shortcomin's, shortcomings,
shortent, shortened,
shouldna, should not,
shuit, suit,
shune, shoes,
shutin', shooting,
sib, relation; akin; closely related,
sic, such; so; similar,
siccan, such a; such an,
sicht, sight,
sichtit, sighted,
sicker, secure; safe; firm; sure,
sic-like, suchlike; likewise, like such a person or thing
side, district; region, also the side of
sidin', siding,
siller, silver; money; wealth,
sin, since; ago; since then, also sin; sun
sin', since; ago; since then,
sinfu', sinful,
singin', singing,
sittin', sitting,
skelf, shelf, also splinter
skelpin', digging; ploughing, also beating; striking
skirl, scream; sing shrilly,
slack, slow,
slauchtert, slaughtered,
sleepin', sleeping,
sleepit, slept,
sleicht o' han', sleight of hand,
sliddery, slippery; smooth, also sly; deceitful
slinkin', slinking,
slip, let slip; convey by stealth,
slippin', slipping,
slips, tricks,
sma', small; little; slight; narrow; young,
smacks, single-masted sailing boats, not necessarily a Scottish word
smeddum, spirit; mettle; liveliness,
smilin', smiling,
smokin', smoking; smouldering,
smokin' flax, smouldering wick, reference to Matthew 12:20
smorin', smothering; suffocating,
snappin', snapping,
snaw, snow,
sneck, door-latch; catch (gate), also latch
snod, smooth; neat; trim; tidy; snug,
sod, sad,
sodger, soldier,
sodgers, soldiers,
sojer, soldier,
some, somewhat; rather; quite; very, also some
somehoo, somehow,
sookit, sucked,
soon', sound,
soonds, sounds,
sornin', taking food or lodging; sponging, taking by force of threat
sortit, sorted,
soucht, sought,
sough, sigh; sound of wind; deep breath,
soun', sound,
soun's, sounds,
soutar, shoemaker; cobbler,
sowl, soul,
sowls, souls,
spak, spoke,
spak', spoke,
spark, speck; spot; blemish; atom,
spaud, spade,
speakin', speaking,
speerit, spirit,
speik, speak,
speikin', speaking,
speir, ask about; enquire; question,
speired, asked about; enquired; questioned,
speirin', asking about; enquiring; questioning,
speirs, asks about; enquires; questions,
speirt, asked about; enquired; questioned,
spen', spend,
spence, storeroom; larder,
speyk, speak,
speykin, speaking,
speykin', speaking,
spier, ask about; enquire; question,
spring, quick lively tune,
spult, spilt,
spunes, spoons,
Squaur, square,
stack, stuck,
stair, stairs; staircase,
stamack, stomach,
stamacks, stomachs,
stampin', stamping,
stan', stand; stop,
stane, stone; measure of weight,1 stone = 14 pounds
stanes, stones,
stan'in', standing,
stan's, stands,
starnie, very small quantity,
startit, started,
steek, shut; close; clench, also stitch (as in clothing)
steekit, shut; closed; clenched,
stept, stepped,
sterve, starve,
stew, dust; vapour; smoke, also stench; stink
stickin', sticking; goring,
stingin', stinging,
stinkin', stinking,
stockin'-fit, feet clothed in stockings, i.e. without shoes
stook, arranging the sheaves in a stook,
stoun', ache; throb,
stown, stolen,
Straddle Vawrious,Stradivarius, make of violin
strae-deith, death in bed; natural death, not a violent death
straik, streak; stroke; blow; caress,
straiks, streaks; strokes; blows; caresses,
strang, strong,
strathspey,Highland dance, like a reel but slower
straucht, straighten; straight,
straught, straight,
stravaguin', saunter; stroll; go about aimlessly,
stren'th, strength,
stucken, stuck,
stud, stood,
stule, stool,
styte, nonsense,
subjec', subject,
subjeck, subject,
subjecks, subjects,
substrackin', subtracting,
sudna, should not,
sufferin', suffering,
suffert, suffered,
suld, should,
suldna, should not,
sumph, soft blunt fellow; simpleton; fool,
sune, soon; early,
sune's, soon as,
sung, singed,
sunk, drivel; loiter, also be in a low dejected state
sup, drink,
supped, drank,
supposin', supposing,
swack, elastic; limber; supple,
swarf, swoon; faint,
sweer, swear,
sweir, swear,
sweirer, swearer,
sweirin', swearing,
sweirs, swears,
sworn, swore,
syde, wide and long; hanging low down,
syne, ago; since; then; at that time, also in (good) time
't, it,
tae, toe; also tea, also the one; to
taed, toad,
ta'en, taken; seized,
taes, toes,
taings, tongs; prongs,
tak, take; seize,
tak', take; seize,
tak tent, look out; pay attention; watch,
takin', taking,
taks, takes; seizes,
talkin', talking,
tane, the one, also taken
tap, top; tip; head,
tastin', tasting,
taucht, taught,
tauld, told,
tawtie, potato,
taxed, found fault with; scolded,
tay, tea; supper,
tay-time, tea time; supper,
teachin', teaching,
teep, type,
telled, told,
tellin', telling,
tellt, told,
tell't, told,
telt, told,
tent, attention; care; heed; notice,
thae, those; these,
thairm, fiddle-string, also intestine; gut; belly
than, then, also than
thankfu', thankful,
thankit, thanked,
thanksgivin', thanksgiving,
that'll, that will,
the day, today,
the morn, tomorrow,
the nicht, tonight,
the noo, just now; now,
the piece, apiece,
thegither, together,
themsels, themselves,
themsel's, themselves,
thereaboots, thereabouts,
thimmel, thimble,
thinkin', thinking,
thinksna, does not think,
this mony a day, for some time,
tho', though,
thocht, thought,
thochtna, did not think,
thochts, thoughts,
thoo, thou; you (God),
thoomacks, violin-pegs,
thoucht, thought,
thouchts, thoughts,
thrapple, windpipe; throat,
thrivin', thriving,
throu, through,
throu', through,
throuw, through,
throw, through,
thrum, particle; tangle; mess,
ticht, tight,
til, to; till; until; about; at; before,
till, to; till; until; about; at; before,
timmer, timber; wood,
tint, lost; got lost,
'tis, it is,
tither, the other,
tod, fox,
toom, empty; unload,
toomin', emptying; unloading,
toon, town; village,
toon-piper, town piper,
toot, tut!, exclamation of annoyance
Toots!,Tuts!; Tush!,
towie, string,
trailin', dragging forcibly; hauling along,
traivel, travel,
traivellin', travelling,
tramp, trudge, also tramp
transe, passage within a house, also alley; narrow space
tribble, trouble,
trimlin', trembling,
troo, trust; believe,
troosers, trousers,
troth, truth; indeed, also used as an exclamation
trowth, truth; indeed, also used as an exclamation
tryin', trying,
'ts, its,
tu, too; also,
tuik, took,
tum'ler, tumbler; glass (of whisky),
turnin', turning,
turnt, turned,
twa, two; a few,
twa three, several,
twal, twelve,
twalmonth, twelvemonth; year,
'twas, it was,
twise, twice,
tyke, dog, also rough clownish fellow
tyne, lose; get lost; miss,
'ull, will,
umquhile, former; of old; late,
unbecomin', unbecoming,
unco, unknown; odd; strange; uncouth, also very great
unco', unknown; odd; strange; uncouth, also very great
understan', understand,
unner, under,
unnerstan, understand,
unnerstan', understand,
unpleasin', unpleasing; unpleasant,
unsoucht, unsought,
unweel, unwell,
up the stair, upstairs, also to heaven
uphaud, uphold; maintain; support,
uphaudin', upholding; maintaining; supporting,
upo', upon; on to; at,
upsettin', forward; ambitious; stuck-up; proud,
vailue, value,
vainishin', vanishing,
vainities, vanities,
verra, very; true; real,
vex, trouble; vexation,
vraith, apparition,
vrang, wrong,
vratch, wretch,
vrote, wrote,
vroucht, wrought; worked,
wa', wall, also way; away
wad, would,
wadna, would not,
wailin', wailing,
waitin', waiting,
wakin', waking,
wall, well; spring of water,
wallopin', dancing; galloping, also beating; thrashing; knocking
wame, belly; stomach; womb; hollow,
wamlin', rolling; undulating,
wan, reached; gained; got,
wan'erer, wanderer,
wantin', wanting; lacking; without; in want of,
wantit, wanted,
war, were,
wark, work; labour, also show of affection
warl', world; worldly goods, also a large number
warld, world,
warldly, worldly,
warna, were not,
warran', warrant; guarantee,
warst, worst,
wa's, walls, also ways
washin', washing,
wasna, was not,
was't, was it,
wastit, wasted,
wat, wet, see also 'I wat.'
watchin', watching,
watter, water,
wauken, awake; wake,
waukens, wakes,
waukin', waking,
waukit, woke,
waukmill, fulling mill,
wauk-mill, fulling-mill,
waur, worse, also spend money
waure, ware,
weddin', wedding,
wee, small; little; bit, also short time; while
weel, well; fine,
weel-behaved, well-behaved,
weelfaur, welfare,
weel's, well as,
weet, wet; dew; rain,
weicht, weight,
weir, wear, also hedge; fence; enclosure
weirs, wears,
weyver, weaver; knitter, also knitter of stockings; spider
wha, who,
wha', who,
whaever, whoever,
whan, when,
wharever, wherever,
wha's, who is, also whose
whase, whose,
What for no?,Why not?,
What for?,Why?,
whaur, where,
whaur'll, where will,
whaur's, where is; where has,
wheen, little; few; number; quantity,
whiles, sometimes; at times; now and then,
whilie, short time,
whilk, which,
whumle, whelm; overwhelm; upset,
whusky, whisky,
whustle, whistle,
whustled, whistled,
wi', with,
wice, wise,
wife, woman; landlady, also wife
wight, fellow,
willin'ly, willingly,
willna, will not,
win, reach; gain; get; go; come,
win', wind, also reach; gain; get; go; come
winkit, winked,
winna, will not,
winnin', reaching; gaining; getting
winnock, window,
winsome, large; comely; merry,
wi'oot, without,
wirrycow, scarecrow,
wis, was, also wish
wiss, wish,
wissed, wished,
wit, intelligence; information, also sense; wisdom
wite, blame; reproach; fault,
withoot, without,
withstan', withstand,
wob, web; woven material,
wolums, volumes,
wonner, wonder; marvel,
wonnerfu', wonderful; great; large,
wonnerin', wondering,
wonnert, wondered,
wordy, little word; little saying or proverb, diminutive
workin', working,
worryin', worrying,
wouldna, would not,
wow, woe, exclamation of wonder or grief or satisfaction
wrang, wrong; injured,
writin', writing,
wud, wood; forest, adj.-enraged; angry; mad; also would
wuddyfous, gallows' birds; scamps, also small ill-tempered persons
wull, will; wish; desire, also astray; stray; wild
wuman, woman,
wumman, woman,
wuss, wish,
wynd, narrow lane or street; alley,
wynds, narrow lanes or streets; alleys,
wyte, blame; reproach; fault,
yaird, yard; garden; farmyard, also yard (36 inches)
yairds, yards; gardens, also yards (1 yard = 36 inches)
ye, you; yourself,
year, years, also year
ye'll, you will,
Yellow-beak, first year's student, at Aberdeen University
yer, your,
yer lane, on your own,
ye're, you are,
yersel, yourself,
yer'sel, yourself,
yersel', yourself,
yersels, yourselves,
ye've, you have,
yird, earth,
yon, that; those; that there; these,
yonner, yonder; over there; in that place,
yon's, that is; that (thing) there is,
yoong, young,
yowth, youth,
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