Nature hath seasons of repose; Her slumbering clouds and quiet sky; And many a bright-faced stream that flows Forever noiselessly. | The stormy winds are hushed to rest, And hang self-poised upon their wings; And nursed on mother nature’s breast, Flowers lie like sleeping things. | The ocean, that in mountains ran, Spreads boundlessly without a wave; And is it only said of man, His peace is in the grave? | Oh! for the coming of the end, The last long Sabbath-day of time, When peace from heaven shall descend, Like light, on every clime. | For men in ships far off at sea Shall hear the happy nations raise The song of peace and liberty, And overflowing praise. | Mankind shall be one brotherhood; One human soul shall fill the earth, And God shall say, “The world is good As when I gave it birth.” | |