Fare thee well, our fondly cherished! Dear, dear blossom, fare thee well! He who lent thee hath recalled thee, Back with Him and His to dwell. | Like a sunbeam through our dwelling Shone thy presence, bright and calm; Thou didst add a zest to pleasure; To our sorrows thou wast balm. | Yet while mourning, O our lost one, Come no visions of despair! Seated on thy tomb, Faith’s angel Saith, thou art not, art not there. | Where, then, art thou? with the Saviour, Blest, forever blest, to be; ’Mid the sinless little children Who have heard his “Come to me.” | Passed the shades of death’s dark valley, Thou art leaning on his breast, Where the wicked may not enter, And the weary are at rest. | Plead, that in a Father’s mercy All our sins may be forgiven; Angel! plead, that thou may’st greet us, Ransomed, at the gates of heaven. | |