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Herber Evans

The first is from the pen of a preacher as well known almost in England as he is in Wales--the Rev. Dr. HERBER EVANS, of Caernarvon:

Keep me very near to Jesus,

Though beneath His cross it be;

In this world of evil-doing

'Tis the cross that cleanseth me:


Should there come distress and darkness,

Let this hope with me abide--

After all the gloom and sorrow,

Light shall be at eventide.

Bring to mind my past experience--

That shall take my fears away;

For Thy goodness and Thy mercy

Shall be mine till close of day:

Through the tears, the clouds, the tempest,

Shine on me, O Crucified!

There's a promise in God's rainbow--

Light shall be at eventide.

Lead me onward to the future,

Where I fear one step to move;

Still the love of God will keep me--

Love beyond a mother's love:

Calvary has said sufficient--

Hear them sing on yonder side:

Though the cross stand in the pathway,

Light shall be at eventide.

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