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Absolution. See Penitence.
Acacius the Homoean, 94.
Acts, doctrine of, 10.
Adoptionism, 41, 69; Nestorianism resembles it, 106.
Aetius, 92.
Alexandria, Christianity in, 59; Council at, 96.
Alexandrine theology, opposed to Antiochene, 103.
Anastasius, presbyter of Nestorius, 105.
Anointing at Confirmation, 82; of the sick, 86.
Anomcean Arians, 92.
Antichrist, in 2 Thessalonians 20; in Didache, 33.
Antioch, Councils at, 70, 91.
Apocalypse, Christology of, 30.
Apollinaris, 101.
Apologists, 32, 48.
Apostles' Creed, 35.
Apostolical succession, 32, 37, 85.
Archelaus, Dispute of, 71.
Arius, 71, 87; his doctrine Polytheistic, 88. Armenian Christianity, 71, 86, 112.
Artemon, 70.
Asceticism, of St. Paul, 16; of Colossian heretics, 22; of Gnostics, 44.
Athanasian Creed, 114.
Athanasius, on the Incarnation, 90; his Council at Alexandria, 96; on Christ's human knowledge, 90.
Atonement, as taught by Christ, 8; by St. Paul, 16, 22; in Hebrews 24; by Irenaeus, 54; by Tertullian, 58; by Origen, 64; by Athanasius, 90.
Augustine, on the Trinity, 113.

Baptism, 9, 74; of infants, 75.
Bardesanes, the Gnostic, 44.
Barnabas, Epistle of, 36.
Basil of Ancyra, 93.
Basil of Caesarea, 97.
Basilides, the Gnostic, 45.
Bishops. See Episcopacy.
Blasphemy Creed, 93.

Caesarean creed, modified at Nicaea, 89.
Callistus, bishop of Rome, relations with Monarchians, 67, 68; on Penitence, 81.
Catholic Church, first called thus, 39.
Celestine, bishop of Rome, appealed to by Nestorius, 105.
Chalcedon, Council of, 110.
Christ, claim of, 2; His consubstantiality with God, 89 ff., 111; His human knowledge, 99; His consubstantiality with man, 100, 102, 111.
Church, relation to kingdom of God, 8; unity of, 23; organisation of, 39, 83.
Clement of Alexandria, 60.
121 Clement of Rome, Epistle of, 36; on the Eucharist, 78; Second Epistle of, 37.
Clementine apocryphal literature, 34.
Colossians, Epistle to, Christology of, 22.
Communion. See Eucharist.
Confession, 80.
Confirmation, 82.
Corinthians, Epistles to, Christology of, 20.
Creed, Apostles', 35; of Nicaea, 89; of Jerusalem, 97; of Chalcedon, 110.
Cyprian, on the Eucharist, 79; on Penitence, 81.
Cyril of Alexandria, opposes Nestorianism, 105; Christology of, 106.

Dated Creed of Sirmium, 95.
Dedication Creed of Antioch, 91.
Didache, theology of, 32; on Sacraments, 74, 76.
Diodore, teaches that Christ was two persons, 103.
Dionysius of Alexandria, 118.
Dioscorus of Alexandria, 109.
Docetism, 38; of Gnostics, 44; in Clement, 61.
Dualism, 43, 45.

Ebionites, 34.
Elkesai, 34.
Emanations from God, 45, 54.
Ephesians, Epistle to, theology of, 23.
Ephesus, Council of, 105.
--Robber-Council of, 109.
Episcopacy, 39, 83.
Eschatology, See Judgment.
Essene Ebionites, 34.
Eucharist, in Gospels, 9; in later theology, 75 ff.
Eunomius, the Arian, 92.
Eusebius of Caesarea, 90.
Eusebius of Nicomedia, 90.
Eutyches, 107.

Faith, in St. Paul, 17; in St. John, 26.
Fasting, in Didache, 33; in 2 Clement, 38.
Fire purgatorial, 64.
Flavian, 109.

Gentile Christianity, 35.
Gnostics, 31, 42; alleged influence on Catholicism, 46, 73.
God, Fatherhood of, 6; abstract views of, 49, 93.
God, Son of, 4.
God-Man, phrase of Origen, 64.
Gregory of Nazianzus, opposes Apollinarianism, 102.
Gregory of Nyssa, on the Trinity, 97.

Hennas, Shepherd of, doctrine not Adoptionist, 41; on baptism, 74; on penitence, 80.
Hilary of Poictiers, on Arianism, 94.
Hippolytus, opposes Monarchianism, 67; opposes Callistus. 81.
Homoean Arians, 94.
Homo-ousios, phrase of Gnostics, 46; in Clement, 61; in Origen, 63; at Nicaea, 89.
Homoi-ousios, a Semi-Arian phrase disliked by Anomoeans, 93. 122 Hypostasis, in sense of substance or essence, 24, 97; in sense varying between essence and person, 66; in sense of person, 97, 111.

Ignatius, opposes Docetism, 38; on Episcopacy, 39, 84; on the Eucharist, 76, 78.
Indulgences, ancient and modern, contrasted, 82.
Irenseus, his doctrine of God, 53; of the Word, 54; on infant baptism, 75; on the Eucharist, 76.
Istar, Babylonian Goddess, in Gnosticism, 43.

James, St., Epistle of, 11; on unction of the sick, 86.
Jerusalem, early Christianity at, 10; second destruction of, 31.
John the Apostle, on the teaching of Christ, 5; agreement with St. Paul, 26; doctrine of the Word, 27; of the only-begotten Son, 29.
John of Antioch, 105.
Judaistic Christianity, 32.
Jude, St., Epistle of, 12.
Judgment by Christ, 3, 4.
Justin Martyr, 48 ff.

Kingdom of God, in teaching of Christ, 7; in Didache, 33.

Lapsi, 81.
Latrocinium, Robber-Council at Ephesus, 109.
Law, St. Paul's conception of, 18.
Laying-on of hands, in confirmation, 82; in ordination, 85.
Leo, bishop of Rome, his Tome against Eutyches, 109.
Logos Doctrine, in Philo. 28; in St. John, 29; in Apologists, 49; in Irenaeus, 54; in Clement, 60; in Origen, 63.
Lord's Supper. See Eucharist. Lucian, the martyr, forerunner of Arianism, 71, 87; so-called Creed of, 91.

Macedonius, the Semi-Arian, 98.
Mandaites, an existing Gnostic sect, 43.
Manes, or Mani, or Manichaeus, 44, 118.
Manicheans, origin and tenets of, 44; connection with Augustine, 113.
Marcellus of Ancyra, revives Sabellianism, 91.
Marcion, his doctrine half Catholic, half Gnostic, 46.
Marriage, ritual of, 73; doctrine of, 85.
Mary, as Virgin, 39, 51; as the second Eve, 54; as Mother of God, 105.
Meletius of Antioch, 93.
Memra, 28.
Merits, human, in 2 Clement, 38; in Tertullian, 58.
Messiah, 3.
Millennium, in Papias, 41.
Minucius Felix, Latin Apologist, 48.
Monarchianism, Tertullian on, 56; Modalist form of, 67; Adoptionist form of, 69.
Montanism, 52.
Mother of God. See Theotokos. 123 Muhammadanism, derived from Ebionism, 35.
Mysteries pagan, alleged influence on Christianity, 73.

Nature One, of Christ, in Apollinaris, 101; in Cyril, 107; in Eutyches, 108.
Natures, Two, of Christ, in Cyril, 106; in Leo, 109.
Neo-Platonism, influence of, 49, 57, 60, 62.
Nestorius, 104; justly condemned, 105; kindred error in Nestorianism and Eutychianism, 108.
Nicaea, Council of, 89.
Nice, Arian creed of, 95.
Noetus, the Patripassian, 67.
Novatian, opposes Monarchianism, 67; opposes Cyprian, 81.

Origen, on God, 62; on Redemption, 64; on the Sacraments, 75, 77.
Ousia, Substance or Essence, 56, 95, 97.

Pantaenus, 59.
Papias, 40.
Patripassians, 67.
Paul the Apostle, 15.
Paul of Samosata, 70.
Paulicians, 71.
Penitence or Repentance, in teaching of Christ, 7; in later teaching, 41, 79 ff.
Person, in Christology, 103 ff.; in the Trinity, 66, 68, 97, 113.
Peter, St., Epistles of, 12.
Philippians, Epistle to, 21.
Philo, doctrine of the Word, 28.
Pneumatomachi, 98.
Polycarp, 39.
Praxeas, 67.
Pre-existence of Christ, 20 ff.; of the soul of Christ, 65.
Priesthood, of Christ, 24; of clergy and laity, 79.
Prisca or Priscilla, the Montanist, 52.
Psilanthropism. See Adoptionism.

Quicunque vult. See Athanasian Creed.

Real Presence, 76.
Recapitulation of man in Christ, 54.
Reconciliation of man with God. See Atonement.
Repentance. See Penitence.
Righteousness, as taught by St. Paul, 17.
Roman or Apostles' Creed, 32, 35.
Romans, Epistle to, 16, 21.

Sabellius, 68.
Sacerdotalism, alleged, of Cyprian, 81.
Sacraments, 9, 72 ff.; seven Sacraments, 74.
Sacrifice, in Hebrews, 25; of the Eucharist, 77.
Salvation, Christ's teaching about, 7.
Samaria, Gnosticism at, 44.
Scriptures, Canon of, 32.
Self-emptying, or self-surrender, of Christ, in St. Paul, 21; in Athanasius, 100, in Cyril, 107. 124 Semi-Arians, 93.
Simon Magus, 44.
Sin, St. Paul's doctrine of, 15.
Sinlessness or Impeccability of Christ, Apollinarian doctrine of, 101; Catholic doctrine of, 102, 104.
Sins, treatment of, 79.
Socinus, revives Arianism, 88.
Soul of Christ, 65, 88, 101.
Spirit, a term used of Christ's divine nature, 21, 26, 37, 38, 41.
Spirit, Holy, personality of, 9, 11, 16, 37, 42; asserted at second General Council, 98; work of, 10, 63; revolution in the name of, by Montanists, 52.
Stoicism, 27, 50, 57, 68.
Subordination of Christ, 87.
Substance of God, 24, 57. See also Hypostasis and Ousia.
Symeon, bishop of Jerusalem, 33.
Synoptic Gospels, date of, 1; Christology of, 2 ff.

Targums, doctrine of the Word in, 28.
Tatian, as an Apologist, 48; uses our four Gospels only, 51.
Tertullian, 55; doctrine of the Trinity in, 56; of the Incarnation, 57; on penitence, 80.
Testament, Canon of the Old, 30; of the New, 32.
Theodore of Mopsuestia, teaches a double personality in Christ, 103.
Theodoret, reconciles Antiochene and Alexandrine schools, 105.
Theodosius I., summons Council of Constantinople, 97.
Theodosius II., summons a Council of Ephesus, 109; death of, 110.
Theophilus of Antioch, as an Apologist, 48; is the first to use the Greek word for Trinity, 51.
Theotokos, title of Mary, 105.
Trinity, doctrine of, in New Testament, 9, 12, 26; first use of term in Greek, 51; in Latin, 56; doctrine of, in Tertullian, 56; in Sabellius, 68; at Council of Alexandria, 97; in Augustine, 113.

Unction of the Sick, 86.
Union, hypostatic, 106.
Unitarianism, Ebionite, 33; Modalist, 67; Adoptionist, 69; modern, 67, 88.
Ursacius, 95.

Valens the Arian, 94.
Valentinus the Gnostic, 45.
Victor, bishop of Rome, 67, 69.
Vincentius of Lerinum, 114.
Virgin, the Blessed. See Mary.

Westcott, on the word 'confess,' 80.
Wisdom, Book of, personifies the Word of God, 28.
Word. See Logos.

Zephyrinus, bishop of Rome, 67.
Zoroastrianism, influenced Gnosticism, 43; and Manicheism, 45; described by Theodore, 102.

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