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III. Touching the Abolition of Idolatry.

As we require Christ Jesus to be truly preached, and His holy Sacraments to be rightly ministered; so can we not cease to require idolatry, with all monuments and places of the same, as abbeys, monasteries, friaries, nunneries, chapels, chantries, cathedral kirks, canonries, colleges, others than presently are parish kirks or schools, to be utterly suppressed in all bounds and places of this realm, except only the palaces, mansions, and dwelling places adjacent thereto, with orchards and yards of the same. As also that idolatry may be removed from the presence of all persons of whatsoever estate or condition within this realm.

Let your honours be assuredly persuaded that where idolatry is maintained, or permitted where it may be suppressed, there shall God's wrath reign, not only upon the blind and obstinate idolater, but also upon the negligent sufferers of the same; especially if God have armed their hands with power to suppress such abomination. By idolatry we understand the Mass, invocation of saints, adoration of images, and the keeping and retaining of the same: and finally all honouring of God, not contained in His holy Word.

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