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Christ's Death, Passion, Burial, etc.—Cap. IX.

That our Lord Jesus Christ offered Himself a voluntary sacrifice unto His Father for us; that He suffered contradiction of sinners; that He was wounded and plagued for our transgressions; that He, being the clean and innocent Lamb of God, was condemned in the presence of an earthly judge, that we might be absolved before the tribunal seat of our God; that He suffered not only the cruel death of the Cross, which was accursed by the sentence of God, but also that He suffered for a season the wrath of His Father, which sinners had deserved. But yet we avow that He remained the only and well-beloved and blessed Son of His Father, even in the midst of His anguish and torment, which He suffered in body and soul, to make the full satisfaction for the sins of His people. We confess and avow, that there remains no other sacrifice for sins; which if any affirm, we nothing doubt to avow that they are blasphemers against Christ's death, and the everlasting purgation and satisfaction procured for us by the same.

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