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XV. For Reparation of Churches.

Lest the Word of God, and ministration of the Sacraments, come into contempt by unseemliness of the place, churches and places where the people publicly convene should, with expedition, be repaired in doors, windows, thatch, and provided within with such preparations as appertain to the majesty of the Word of God as well as unto the ease and commodity of the people. We know the slothfulness of men in this behalf, and in all other which may not redound to their private commodity, and strait charge and commandment must be given that before a certain day the reparations must be begun, and that before another day, to be affixed by your honours, they be finished. Penalties and sums of money must be enjoined, and then without pardon taken from the contemners.

The reparation would be according to the possibility and number of the church. Every church must have doors, close windows of glass, thatch or slate able to withhold rain, a bell to convocate the people together, a pulpit, a basin for baptism, and tables for the ministration of the Lord's Supper. In greater churches, and where the congregation is great in number, provision must be made within the church for the quiet and commodious receiving of the people. The expenses shall be lifted partly from the people, and partly from the teinds, at the discretion of the ministry.

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