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Of the interpretation of his father’s name Radewin


LET it not seem foolishness if the signification of his father’s name be mystically interpreted, for this is thought to tend in no small degree to the honour of so great a man.

Fitting enough, then, is the name of Radewin as meaning “The Divine Radiance,” and by this name Christ is rightly signified, for He is the Brightness of the Father Who doth illumine the world with the light of His wisdom, with His spotless life, His true doctrine, His holy miracles, and His abundant revelation. He sent forth also His apostles like beams of the true Sun to preach His word in all the world and give a good example to all the faithful, saying to them: “So let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father Who is in Heaven.”

(2) Therefore is Florentius well named the son of Radewin, for through Christ was he born again to a lively hope, by Him was he worthy to be irradiated and set on fire that he might despise earthly things and fervently love the things of 89Heaven. And if this name Radewin be translated from the Teutonic into the Latin tongue, “Rade” is “consilium” (that is “counsel"), and “win” is “vinum” (or “wine"), and these two words are excellently fitted to Florentius, who put aside the counsel of worldly wisdom and submitted himself to the commandments of the Law of God according to that saying of the Psalmist: “Thy testimonies are my meditation, and thy Justifications my counsel.”

In place of those vain and carnal delights which the world doth afford to them who love it, Christ gave to Florentius a taste of that inner sweetness which the world is not worthy to receive, and filled his heart and soul with the Wine of spiritual joy in the celebration of the Divine Mysteries, so that he glowed inwardly with the flame of the love of God and rejoiced with the voice of exultation saying with that most devout prophet: “My heart and my flesh have rejoiced in the living God.” Then, too, concentrating all the powers within him, and being caught up in the Spirit above the body, he offered himself as a lively sacrifice, and one well pleasing unto God, and prayed faithfully with supplication for Holy Church and all Christian people.

In this Sacred Feast he partook of that sweet draught which is poured forth from God Himself, and his soul being melted with love at the thought of God’s infinite Bounty, with great giving of thanks he pondered upon these mystical words: “How great is the multitude of Thy sweetness, Lord, which Thou hast hidden for them that fear Thee!"

Having told these things by way of preface, my pen turneth to his deeds.

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