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Of his rapid progress at the University of Paris


WHEN he was growing toward manhood, Gerard was sent by his parents to the University of Paris, and being furnished with abundant means, beyond those of many of his companions, he busied himself with those pursuits for the sake of which he had come. At that time he was not seeking the glory of Christ as the end of his studies, but pursuing the shadow of a great reputation he was chiefly anxious for the praise of men.

(2) In a short time, however, having passed through the usual course for students, he eagerly sought for higher place; and in virtue of his good understanding, a Master of Arts degree was conferred upon him in the eighteenth year of his age. Having gained this degree, and being fired by a natural genius and puffed up with worldly knowledge, he was rewarded with preferment in the Church, and received amongst other benefices a Canonry in the Church of Aix. But hitherto he walked in the broad ways of the world, not being yet inspired, until by the mercy of God he was changed into another man.

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