
« Prev Moravian Hymn Book, #727: My soul, awake and… Next »

Wach auf mein Herz! und singe.

1648. P. Gerhardt.

1722. J. C. Jacobi, a.

Moravian Hymn Book, #727

My soul, awake and render

To God, thy great defender,

The God of all the living,

Thy prayer and thy thanksgiving.

When night had closed around me,

The darkness helpless found me;

But happy was my sleeping

In his most gracious keeping.

With joy I still discover

Thy light, O Lord, my Lover;

My thanks shall be the spices

Of morning sacrifices.

Be thou my only treasure,

Fulfil in me thy pleasure,

Thy word my spirit feeding,

Thy light still onward leading.

Thy love, which once did find me,

To thee shall ever bind me;

My life to thee be tending

Beginning, middle, ending.

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