With less direct influence than appears in the hymns hitherto mentioned, yet showing much of the spirit of "Auf den Nebel folgt die Sonne"216216Cf. p. 68. is 140 Sarah Flower Adams' hymn, "He sendeth sun, he sendeth shower." The final line of each stanza introducing the theme of Resignation to God's Will may well have been suggested by the refrain "Was Gott gefällt."217217Cf. p. 56.
He sendeth sun, he sendeth shower, | Auf den Nebel folgt die Sonne | 1 |
Alike they're needful for the flower; | Auf das Trauren Freud und Wonne | 2 |
And joys and tears alike are sent | Trost und Labsal, . . Meine Seele . . . steigt | 4, 5 |
To give the soul fit nourishment: | Hat mir meinen Geist erquickt, | 9 |
As comes to me or cloud or sun, |
Father, thy will, not mine, be done! |
Can loving children e'er reprove | Gott Läszt keinen traurig stehn | 50 |
With murmurs whom they trust and love? | Der sich Ihm zu eigen schenkt | 52 |
Creator, I would ever be | Und Ihn in sein Herze senkt; | 53 |
A trusting, loving child to thee: | Wer auf Gott seine Hoffnung setzt | 54 |
As comes to me or cloud or sun, |
Father, thy will, not mine, be done! |
Oh, ne'er will I at life repine; | Nu, so lang ich in der Welt | 85 |
Enough that thou hast made it mine; | Haben werde Haus und Zelt | 86 |
| . . . Ich will all mein Leben lang | 89 |
When falls the shadow cold of death, | . . . Hiefür bringen Lob und Dank. | 91 |
I yet will sing with parting breath | Ich will gehn in Angst und Not | 99 |
| Ich will gehn bis in den Tod | 100 |
As comes to me or shade or sun, | Ich will gehn ins Grab hinein | 101 |
Father, thy will, not mine, be done. | Und doch alIzeit frölich sein | 102 |
Sarah Flower Adams, 1841, in the Schaff-Gilman Lib. of Rel. Poetry. |