Prayer for the Army and Navy.
Almighty and Eternal God, Thou King of kings and Lord of lords, who rulest and governest all things in heaven and earth: 133 we beseech Thine infinite mercy to bless the officers and men of our army and navy. Preserve them against all dangers and temptations which may assail their lives. Help them manfully to battle against and overcome the powers of evil, the world, the devil, and the flesh. May they ever be filled with Thy Holy Spirit from on high, and in courage, manliness, and truthfulness prevail in the hour of danger and when the battle rages. May they ever look to Thee, who art the succorer of those in peril, as to their only helper, and in Thy name fight a holy fight to maintain the country’s honor and keep the flag unsullied, that truth and righteousness may prevail. Put to naught all evil designs and devices of their enemies, both spiritual and temporal. Guide Thou and direct them that they may ever fight the good fight of faith and in the end overcome and attain to their soul’s salvation, to the glory of Thy holy Name; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.