
« Prev Appendix No. III. Extracts from the Hymns of the… Next »




Taken from Hoerner’s Catholic Melodies.

He sent his own eternal Son

To die for sins which we have done.

P. 179.

The eternal God is born in time!

The Immortal lives to die!

P. 183.

The life of Christ, the death of God,

How faintly you express!

P. 188.

With soft embrace receive thy load,

And gently bear our dying God.

P. 191.

Ah! you mock the King of glory,

And with thorns you crown your God!

P. 194.

He, likened to our sinful form,

Once doom’d himself to die.

P. 206.

To God the Father, and the Son,

Who rose from death, be honour done.


Life's Author dies, but lives again;

And even death, by him was slain.

P. 256.

heaven’s glorious King,

Who dost thy starry throne,

And its triumphant bliss postpone,

To be our offering.

P. 272.


He left his radiant throne on high,

Left the bright realms of bliss,

And came to earth to bleed and die!

Was ever love like this?

H. 17, v. 3.

Well may the earth, astonished, shake,

And nature sympathize,

The sun as darkest night be black;

Their Maker, Jesus, dies!

Behold fast streaming from the tree,

His all atoning blood!

Is this the Infinite? ‘tis he,

My Saviour and my God!

H. 65, v. 2, 3.

The rising God forsakes the tomb,

Up to his Father's court he flies.

H. 72, v. 4.

He sent his own eternal Son

To die for sins that man had done.

H. 79, v. 1.

Sinners, turn; why will ye die?

God, your Saviour, asks you why?

He who did your souls retrieve,

Died himself that ye might live.

H.128, v. S.

He who his only Son gave up

To death, that we might live.

H. 141, v. 2.



But oh, how few returns of love

Hath my Creator found?

What have I done for him who died

To save my wretched soul?

B. 2, H. 7, v. 3, 4

Well might the sun in darkness hide,

And shut his glories in,

When God the mighty Maker died

For man, the creature's sin.

B. 2, H. 9, v. 4.

When God himself comes down to be

The off’ring and the priest.

B. 2, H. 12, v. 3.

Behold, a God descends and dies,

To save my soul from gaping hell.

B. 2, H 21, v. 2.

We for whom God the Son came down,

And labour’d for our good:

How careless to secure that crown

He purchased with his blood!

B. 2, H. 25, v. 4.

Bless’d morning whose young dawning rays

Beheld our rising God.

B. 2, H. 72, v. 1.

Hell and the grave unite their force

To hold our God in vain:

The sleeping Conqueror arose,

And burst their feeble chain.

B. 2, H. 72, v. 3.

Must heaven’s eternal Darling die,

To save a trait’rous race!

B. 2, H. 96, v. 3.

Oh, how I hate these lusts of mine,

That crucified my God!

B. 2, H. 106, v. 3

How condescending, and how kind;

Was God's eternal Son!

Our mis’ry reached his heavenly mind,

And pity brought him down.

When Justice, by our sins provok’d,

Drew forth his dreadful sword;

He gave his soul up to the stroke

Without a murm’ring word.

B. 3, H. 4. v. 1, 2.

Oh! the sweet wonders of that cross,

Where God the Saviour lov,d and died!

B. 3, H. 10, v. 5.

Th’ eternal God comes down and bleeds

To nourish dying worms.

B. 3, H. 17, v. 1.

Was ever equal pity found?

The Prince of heaven resigns his breath,

And pours his life out on the ground,

To ransom guilty worms from death.

B. 3, H. 22, v. 2.

He sent his own eternal Son

To die for sins that man had done.

B. 3, H. 38, v. 1.

To Him who chose us first,

Before the world began;

To Him who bore the curse,

To save rebellious man.

B. 3, H. 39, v. 1.

There my God bore all my guilt;

This, through grace, can be believed!


But the torments which he felt

Are too vast to be conceiv’d:

None can penetrate through thee—

Doleful, dark Gethsemane.

Select. H. 17, v. 3.

The rising God forsakes the tomb!

Up to his Father’s court he flies!

Select. H. 20, v. 4.

He left his starry crown,

And laid his robes aside;

On wings of love came down,

And wept, and bled, and died.

What he endur’d, oh, who can tell!

To save our souls from death and hell.

Select. H. 260, V. 2.


The Father chose his only Son

To die for sins that man had done.

B. 1, H. 8, v. 3.

How condescending and how kind,

Was God's eternal Son!

Our mis’ry reached his heavenly mind,

And pity brought him down.

When justice, by our sins provok’d,

Drew forth its dreadful sword;

He gave his soul up to the stroke,

Without a murm’ring word.

B. 1, H. 61, v. 1, 2.

0! the sweet wonders of that cross,

Where God the Saviour lov’d and died.

B. 1, H. 72, v. 1.

So Jesus look’d on dying man,

When thron’d above the skies,

And ‘midst the embraces of his God,

He felt compassion rise.

On wings of love the Saviour flew,

To raise us from the ground,

And shed the richest of his blood,

A balm for every wound.

B. 1. H. 120, v. 5, 6.

He left his dazzling throne above,

To meet the tyrants dart:

And , amazing pow’r of love;

Received it in his heart.

B. 1, H. 126, v. 3.

He left his starry crown,

And laid his robes aside:

On wings of love came down,

And wept, and bled, and died.

B. 2, H. 18, v. 2

Agonizing in the garden,

Lo! your Maker prostrate lies!

On the bloody tree behold him,

Hear him cry before he dies,

“It is finished!”

Sinners will not this suffice?

B. 2, H. 34, v. 3.

There my God bore all my guilt,

This thro’ grace can be believed;

But the torments which he felt

Are too vast to be conceived;

None can penetrate through thee,

Doleful, dark Gethsemane.

B. 2, H. 97, v. 3.

Till o'er our ransomed nature,

The Lamb for sinners slain,

Redeemer, King, Creator,

In bliss returns to reign.

B. 2, H. 138, v. 4.

Praise him who laid his glory by,

For man’s apostate race;,

Praise him who stooped to bleed and die,

And crown him “Prince of Peace.”

B. 2, H. 142, v. 2.


He sent his own eternal Son

To die for sins that we had done.

H. 118, v. 1.

Yes, the Redeemer left his throne,

His radiant throne on high—

Surprising mercy! love unknown!

To suffer, bleed, and die.

H. 210, v. 2.

Well may the earth astonished shake,

And nature sympathize,

The sun as darkest night be black,

Their Maker, Jesus, dies!

H. 229, v. 2.

The rising God forsakes the tomb.

H. 232, v. 4.

Blest morning, whose young dawning rays

Beheld our rising God.

H. 240, v. 1.

, the sweet wonders of that cross

Where God, the Saviour, loved and died!

H. 251, v. 4.

Jesus, th’ eternal Son of God,

Whom seraphim obey,

The bosom of his Father leaves,

And enters human clay.

From heaven to sinful earth he comes,

The messenger of grace,

And on the bloody tree expires,

A victim in our place.

H.259, v. 1, 2.

He left his throne above,

His glory laid aside,

Came down on wings of love,

And wept, and bled, and died.

H. 322, v. 2.

Brightness of the Father's glory,

Shall thy praise unuttered lie?

Break, my tongue, such guilty silence!

Sing the Lord who came to die.

H. 341, v. 3.

Well might the sun in darkness hide,

And shut his glories in;

When Christ, the mighty Maker, died

For man the creatures sin.

H. 472, v. 3.

Sinful soul, what hast thou done?

Crucified th’ eternal Son.

H. 477, v. 1.

What did thine only Son endure,

Before I drew my breath!

H. 508, v. 2.

By the vault whose ark abode

Held in vain the rising God.

H. 652, v. 3.

For this he came and dwelt on earth;

For this his life was given;

For this he fought and vanquish’d death;

For this he pleads in heaven.

H. 846, v. 4


Agonizing in the garden,

Lo! your Maker prostrate lies!

H. 2, v. 5.

Sinners, turn, why will ye die?

God your Saviour asks you why!

God, who did your souls retrieve,

Died himself that ye might live.

H. 4, v. 2.

Jehovah, in thy person show,

Jehovah crucified!

H. 32, v. 7.

Let me see, and let me feel,

Sins that crucified my God.

H. 52, v. 2.

My worthless heart to gain,

The God of all that breathe

Was found in fashion as a man,

And died a cursed death.

H. 67, v. 6.

, love divine, what hast then done!

Th’ immortal God hath died for me!

The Father's co-eternal Son

Bore all my sins upon the tree!

The immortal God for me hath died:

My Lord, my love, is crucified.

Behold him, all ye that pass by,

The bleeding Prince of life and peace!

Come see, ye worms, your Maker die,

And say, was ever grief like his.

H. 187, v. 1, 2.

Well might the sun in darkness hide,

And shut his glories in;

When Christ, the mighty Maker, died,

For man the creature's sin!

H. 191, v. 3.

Where is the King of glory now?

The everlasting Son of God?

Th’ Immortal hangs his languid brow;

The Almighty faints beneath his load!

H.194, v. 7.

The earth could to her centre quake,

Convulsed while her Creator died.

H. 195. v. 3.

Earth's profoundest centre quakes,

The great Jehovah dies!

H. 196, v. 1.

Now discern the Deity,

Now his heavenly birth declare!

Faith cries out, “‘Tis he, ‘tis he,

My God that suffers there.”

H. 200, v. 3.

And view thee bleeding on the tree,

My God, who died for me, for me!

H. 227, v. 3.

The day of Christ, the day of God,

We humbly hope with joy to see,

Wash’d in the sanctifying blood

Of an expiring Deity.

H. 284, v. 1.

'Tis mystery all! th’ Immortal dies!

H. 287, v. 2.

He left his Father's throne above;

(So free, so infinite his grace!)

Emptied himself of all but love,

And bled for Adam's helpless race.

H. 287, v. 3.

I thirst for a life-giving God,

A God that on Calvary died.

H. 319, v. 2.

I see thy garments roll’d in blood,

Thy streaming head, thy hands, thy side:

All hail, thou suff'ring, conquering God!

Now man shall live, for Christ hath died.

H. 354, v. 3.

The rising God forsakes the tomb;

(In vain the tomb forbids his rise.)

H. 524, v. 2.

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