To escape the reproach of error, I must
criticize the inaccuracies of M. de Guignes (tom. i. p. 359)
concerning the Edrisites.
1. The dynasty and city of Fez
could not be founded in the year of the Hegira 173, since
the founder was a posthumous child of a descendant of Ali,
who fled from Mecca in the year 168.
2. This founder,
Edris, the son of Edris, instead of living to the improbable
age of 120 years, A. H. 313, died A. H. 214, in the prime of
3. The dynasty ended A. H. 307, twenty-three years
sooner than it is fixed by the historian of the Huns. See
the accurate Annals of Abulfeda p. 158, 159, 185, 238.