Scope Of Chapter 64
Fall In The East — from 'The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire' by Edward Gibbon

The Moguls
1206-l227 Zingis Khan, first Emperor of the Moguls and Tartars , His Laws
1210-1214 His Invasion of China
1218-1224 Of Carizme, Transoxiana, and Persia
1227 His Death
1227-1295 Conquests of the Moguls under the Successors of Zingis
1234 Of the Northern Empire of China
1279 Of the Southern
1258 Of the Persia, and the Empire of the Caliphs
1242-1272 Of Anatolia
1235-1245 Of Kipzak Russia, Poland, Hungary, etc.
1242 Of Siberia
1227-1259 The Successors of Zingis
1259-1368 Adopt the Manners of China
1259-1300 Division of the Mogul Empire
1240-1304 Escape of Constantinople and the Greek Empire from the Moguls
1304 Decline of the Mogul Khans of Persia
1240Origin of the Ottomans
1299-1326Reign of Othman
1326-1360Reign of Orchan
1326-1339His Conquest of Bithynia
1300Division of Anatolia among the Turkish Emirs
1312Loss of the Asiatic Provinces
1310-1523The Knights of Rhodes
1341-1347First Passage of the Turks into Europe
1346Marriage of Orchan with a Greek Princess
Establishment of the Ottomans in Europe
Death of Orchan and his Son Soliman
1360-1389The Reign and European Conquests of Amurath I
The Janizaries
1389-1403Reign of Bajazet I (or Ilderim), His Conquests
1396 Battle of Nicopolis
1396-l398 Crusade and Captivity of the French Princes
1355-l391The Emperor John Palaeologus; Discord of the Greeks
1391-1425 The Emperor Manuel
1395-1402Distress of Constantinople
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