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I DO not remember that the word Infinite is in Scripture attributed to any creature save to the city of Nineveh, Nahum iii. 9: Ethiopia and Egypt were her strength, and it was infinite.

But what is now become of Nineveh? It is even buried in its own ruins, and may have this epitaph upon it:


Here lieth the end of what was endless.

He who beheld the multitude of actors and beholders at the mustering in Hyde Park on the twenty-fourth of April last, will say that there was an infinite number of people therein. Some would hardly believe that the whole nation could afford so many as the city of London alone did then produce.

My prayer shall ever be, that this great city may be kept either in the wholesome ignorance 269or humble knowledge of its own strength, lest the people numberless prove masterless therein. And let them remember (God forefend the parallel) what is become of great Nineveh at this day, annihilated for the pride thereof!

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