
« Prev XVIII. Bird in the Breast. Next »


I SAW two men fighting together, till a third, casually passing by, interposed himself to part them; the blows of the one fell on his face, of the other on his back, of both on his body, being the screen betwixt the fiery anger of the two fighters. Some of the beholders laughed at him, as well enough served for meddling with matters which belonged not to him.

Others pitied him, conceiving every man concerned to prevent bloodshed betwixt neighbours, and Christianity itself was commission enough to interest him therein.

However, this is the sad fate which attended ah 1 moderate persons, which will mediate betwixt opposite parties. They may complain with David, They have rewarded me evil for good, and hatred for my good-will. Yet let not such hereby be disheartened, but know that (besides the reward in heaven) the very work of moderation is the wages of moderation. For it carrieth with it a marvellous contentment in his conscience who hath endeavoured his utmost 258in order to unity, though unhappy in his success.

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