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WE read how Abraham (Gen. xxv. 5) gave all he had unto Isaac. As for his six sons, Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishback, and Shuah, which he had by Keturah his concubine, he only gave them gifts, and sent them away into the east country.

England hath but one Isaac, or legitimate religion of the Church, namely, the Protestant, as the doctrine thereof is established in the Thirty-nine Articles. But how many spurious ones she hath (whether six, sixty, or six score) I neither do know nor will inquire, nor will I load my book and trouble the reader with their new, numerous, and hard names.

O may the state be pleased so far to reflect on this Isaac, as to settle the solid inheritance upon him! Let the Protestant religion only be countenanced by the law, be owned and acknowledged for the received religion of the nation.


As for other sects (the sons of Keturali), we grudge not that gifts be bestowed upon them. Let them have a toleration (and that I assure you is a great gift indeed) and be permitted peaceably and privately to enjoy their consciences both in opinions and practices. Such favour may safely (not to say ought justly to) be afforded unto them so long as they continue peaceably in our Israel, and disturb not the estate.

This gift granted unto them, they need not to be sent away into the east or any other country. If they dislike their condition, they will either leave the land, and go over seas of their own accord, or else (which is rather to be desired and hoped for) they will blush themselves out of their former follies, and by degrees cordially reconcile themselves to the Church of England.

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