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ALL devils are not equally easy to be ejected out of possessed people; some are of a more sullen, sturdy, stubborn nature, good (or rather bad) at holdfast, and hard to be cast out.

In like manner all bosom sins are not conquered with facility alike, and these three are of the greatest difficulty:—

1. Constitutionary sins, riveted in our tempers and complexions.

2. Customary sins, habited in us by practice and presumption.

3. Such sins to the repentance whereof restitution is required.

Oh! when a man hath not only devoured widows’ houses, Matt. xxiii. 14, but also they have passed the first and second concoction in his stomach; yea, when they are become blood in the veins, yea, sinews in the flesh of his estate, O then to refund, to mangle and disinter one’s demesnes, this goeth shrewdly against flesh and blood indeed! But what saith the Apostle, Flesh and blood shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

Yet even this devil may be cast out with fasting and prayer, Matt. xvii. 21. This sin, notwithstanding 228it holdeth violent possession, may by those good means, and God’s blessing thereon, have a firm ejection.

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