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EBER had a son born in the days when the earth was divided. [Gen. x. 25.] Conceive we it just after the confusion of tongues, when mankind was parcelled out into several colonies. Wherefore Eber, to perpetuate the memory of so famous an accident happening at the birth of his son, called him Peleg, which in the Hebrew tongue signifieth partition, or division.

We live in a land and age of dissension. Counties, cities, towns, villages, families, all divided in opinions, in affections. Each man almost divided from himself, with fears and distractions. Of all the children born in England within these last five years, and brought to the font (or, if that displease, to the basin) to be baptized, every male may be called Peleg, and female Palgah, in the sad memorial of the time of their nativity.

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