
« Prev XIII. Mixt Prayers. Next »


MIXT prayers are a methodical composition (no casual confusion) of extempore 154and premeditate prayers put together. Wherein the standers still are the same, and the essential parts (confession of sin, begging of pardon, craving grace for the future, thanking God for former favours, &c.), like the bones of the prayer, remain always unaltered. Whilst the movable petitions (like the flesh and colour of thy prayers) are added, abridged, or altered, as God’s spirit adviseth and enableth us, according to the emergencies of present occasions.

In the midland sea, galleys are found to be most useful, which partly run on the legs of oars, and partly fly with the wings of sails, whereby they become serviceable both in a wind and in a calm. Such the conveniency of mixt prayer, wherein infused and acquired graces meet together, and men partly move with the breath of the Holy Spirit, partly row on by their own industry. Such medley prayers are most useful, as having the steadiness of premeditate, and the activity of extemporary prayer joined together.

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