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DEATH in Scripture is compared to sleep. Well then may my night prayer be resembled 150to making my will. I will be careful not to die intestate; as also not to defer my will-making till I am not compos mentis, till the lethargy of drowsiness seize upon me.

But, being in perfect memory, I bequeath my soul to God; the rather because I am sure the Devil will accuse me when sleeping. O the advantage of spirits above bodies! If our clay cottage be not cooled with rest, the roof falls afire. Satan hath no such need: the night is his fittest time. [Rev. xii. 10.] Thus man’s vacation is the term for the beasts of the forest, they move most whilst he lies quiet in his bed.

Lest, therefore, whilst sleeping I be outlawed for want of appearance to Satan’s charge, I commit my cause to him who neither slumbers nor sleeps: Answer for me, O my God.

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