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ONE Nicias, a philosopher, having his shoes stolen from him, May they, said he, fit his feet that took them away.2525Plutarch’s Morals. A wish at the first view very harmless, but there was that in it which poisoned his charity into a malicious revenge. For he himself had hurled or crooked feet, so that in effect he wished the thief to be lame.

Whosoever hath plundered me of my books and papers, I freely forgive him; and desire he may fully understand and make good use thereof, wishing him more joy of them than he hath right to them. Nor is there any snake under my herbs, nor have I (as Nicias) any reservation, or latent sense to myself, but from my heart do desire, that to all purposes and intents my books may be beneficial unto him. Only requesting him, that one passage hi his (lately my) Bible [namely, Eph. iv. 28] may be taken into his serious consideration.

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