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Absolution, 43, 60 f.
Ælia (Jerusalem), 52
Æmilianus, Governor of Pannonia, 14, 65
Prefect of Egypt, 16, 27, 46 f.
Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem, 51
Bishop of Tyre, 52
a martyr, 38
Alexander Severus, Emperor, 12, 66
Alexandrians, letter to, 28, 70 ff.
Alogi referred to, 84
Ammon, a martyr, 40
Ammonarion, a martyr, 39
Antioch, Council of, 10, 51, 103
Apollonia, a martyr, 36
Arabia, 10, 41, 52
Aristotle referred to, 28, 95
Arius, heresy of, 20, 56, 108
Ater, a martyr, 39
Athanasius, 9, 19 ff., 103 ff.
Baptism of heretics, 15, 26, 51 ff., 59
Basil, Bishop of Cæsarea, 9, 22, 80
Basilides, letter to, 26, 29, 76 ff.
Benson, Archbishop, 14, 34, 51, 52, 55
Besas, a martyr, 38
Bethune-Baker, Dr., 22
Bithynia, Churches of, 52
Cappadocia, Churches of, 52, 54
Catechetical School of Alexandria, 9, 10, 11, 12, 32
Cemeteries, Christian, 17, 47
Cephro, 17, 46, 48 f.
Cerinthus, heresy of, 85
Chæremon, Bishop of Nilopolis, 41
a deacon, 46, 64
Chronicon Orientale, 9 ff.
Cilicia, Churches of, 52, 54
Colluthion, 17, 49
Communion, ritual of, 26, 60
reservation of species, 42 f.
Conon, letter to, 60 f.
Consistentes, 60
Copts (Egyptians), 10, 39, 66, 70, 73
Coracion, converted from heresy, 84
Cornelia Salonina, 14, 69
Cornelius, Bishop of Rome, 15, 51
Cronion Eunous, a martyr, 38
Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage, 9, 11, 15, 55, 58
Damascus, John of, 9, 75
Decius, Persecution of, 13 f., 39, 43, 65
Demetrianus, Bishop of Antioch, 52
Demetrius, Bishop of Alexandria, 11
Democritus quoted, 25, 28, 99
Dionysia, a martyr, 39
Dionysius, Bishop of Rome, 19 f., 58 f., 103
Dionysius, church dedicated to St., 31
Dioscorus, a presbyter, 64
a boy confessor, 39
Domitius and Didymus, letter to, 63 f.
Duumviri, 63
Easter Letters, 28, 63 ff.
Ecclesiastes, Beginning of, 30
Ephesus and the two Johns, 89
Epicurus, 12, 23 ff., 91 ff.
Epimachus, a martyr, 38
Euphranor, letter to, 56, 104, 105
Euripides referred to, 100
Eusebius, Eccl. Hist. of, 9, 22, 35 ff., 82 ff.
Præpar. Evangelica of, 9, 34, 91 ff., 101 f.
Exorcists, 66
Fabius, Bishop of Antioch, 12, 35
Fast before Easter, 76 ff.
Firmilianus, Bishop of Cæsarea, 52, 54
Frumentarius, 13, 43
Gaius of Rome referred to, 84
Galatia, Churches of, 55
Gallienus, Emperor, 14, 17, 46, 68
Gallus, Emperor, 14, 65
Germanus, letter to, 10, 14, 27, 43 ff.
Helenus, Bishop of Tarsus, 52
Heliodorus, Bishop of Laodicea, 52
Heracles, Bishop of Alexandria, 11, 12, 57, 59
Hermammon, letter to, 28, 65 ff.
Herodotus referred to, 101
Heron, a martyr, 39
Hesiod quoted, 28, 93, 98
Hierax, letter to, 73 ff.
Hippolytus, Canons of, 33
Homer quoted, 28, 75, 95, 100
Iconium, Synod of, 15, 55, 58
Ingenuus, a martyr, 40
Ischyrion, a martyr, 40 f.
Isidore, a martyr, 39
Jerome, 22, 30, 33, 108
Julian, a martyr, 38
Libya, 13, 19, 38, 46, 64
Macar, a martyr, 38
Macrianus, 16, 18, 27, 60, 64, 67, 68
Mareotis, Lake, 48, 63, 73
Marinus, Bishop of Tyre, 52
Marriage of clergy, 11, 41, 44
Mazabbanes, Bishop of Ælia, 52
Mercuria, a martyr, 39
Mesopotamia, Churches of, 52
Metras, a martyr, 35
Millenarian views, 82 ff.
Nature, treatise on, 12, 23 ff., 91 ff.
Nemesion, a martyr, 39
Nepos of Arsenoe, 27, 29, 82 ff.
Nilopolis, 41
Novatian, schism of, 15 f., 26, 27, 34, 50, 59
Origen and his pupils, 11, 12, 13, 28 ff., 36, 51, 52, 86
Parætonium, 64
Paul of Samosata, heresy of, 23
Pentapolis, 18, 55, 76
“Perfect,” applied to Christians, 64, 71
Philemon, letter to, 11, 55, 56 ff.
Philip the Arabian, Emperor, 12, 13, 37, 66
Philo Judæus, 105
Plato referred to, 95, 101
Pontus, Churches of, 52
Pope, title of, 57
Prayers for Emperor, 47
Procopius of Gaza, 30
Promises, treatise on the, 23, 28, 29, 82 ff.
Ptolemais, 55
Ptolemy, a martyr, 40
Quinta, a martyr, 35
Rationalis, office of, 16, 17, 67
Refutation and Defence, 21 f., 101 ff.
Refutation of Allegorists, 29, 82
Repentance, 59, 62
Rufinus, 22, 64
Sabaita, 10
Sabellius, heresy of, 18 ff., 27, 55, 101 ff.
Sabinus, Prefect of Egypt, 13, 35, 43, 50
Saracens, 41
Sarapion, case of, 26, 42 f.
Soldiers as Christians, 40, 63
Sophocles referred to, 100
Stephen, Bishop of Rome, 15, 34, 53, 54
Swete, Dr., 23, 78
Synnada, Synod of, 15, 55, 58
Syria, Churches of, 52
Taposiris, 13, 16, 44
Thelymidrus, Bishop of Laodicea, 52
Theoctistus, Bishop of Cæsarea, 52
Theophilus, a martyr, 40
Theotecnus, Bishop of Cæsarea, 29
Thucydides quoted, 28, 71
Timotheus, a boy, 11, 44, 64
Trullo, Council in, 76, 78
Valerian, Emperor, 14, 16, 17, 47, 65
Westcott, Bishop, 23, 24, 78
Xystus II, Bishop of Rome, 19, 54 ff., 59 ff.
Zenon, a martyr, 40

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