
Table of Contents

Title Page

Preface to the French Translation.


Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Religious of the Order of St. Augustine, at the Convent of Agnetenberg, Dulmen, Westphalia.

To the Reader

Meditation I. Preparations for the Pasch.

Meditation II. The Supper-Room.

Meditation IV. The Chalice used at the Last Supper.

Meditation V. Jesus goes up to Jerusalem.

Meditation VI. The Last Pasch.

Meditation VII. The Washing of the Feet.

Meditation VIII. Institution of the Holy Eucharist.

Meditation IX. Private Instructions and Consecrations.

The Passion


Chapter I. Jesus in the Garden of Olives.

Chapter II. Judas and his Band.

Chapter III. Jesus is arrested.

Chapter IV. Means employed by the enemies of Jesus for carrying out their designs against him.

Chapter V. A Glance at Jerusalem.

Chapter VI. Jesus before Annas.

Chapter VII. The Tribunal of Caiphas.

Chapter VIII. Jesus before Caiphas.

Chapter IX. The Insults received by Jesus in the Court of Caiphas.

Chapter X. The Denial of St. Peter.

Chapter XI. Mary in the House of Caiphus.

Chapter XII. Jesus confined in the subterranean Prison.

Chapter XIII. The Morning Trial.

Chapter XIV. The Despair of Judas.

Chapter XV. Jesus is taken before Pilate.

Chapter XVI. Description of Pilate’s Palace and the adjacent Buildings.

Chapter XVII. Jesus before Pilate.

Chapter XVIII. The Origin of the Way of the Cross.

Chapter XIX. Pilate and his Wife.

Chapter XX. Jesus before Herod.

Chapter XXI. Jesus led back from the Court of Herod to that of Pilate.

Chapter XXII. The Scourging of Jesus.

Chapter XXIII. Mary, during the Flagellation of our Lord.

Chapter XXV. Description of the personal Appearance of the Blessed Virgin.

Chapter XXVI. The Crowning with Thorns.

Chapter XXVII. Ecce Homo.

Chapter XXVIII. Reflections on the Visions.

Chapter XXIX. Jesus condemned to be crucified.

Chapter XXX. The Carriage of the Cross.

Chapter XXXI. The first Fall of Jesus.

Chapter XXXII. The second Fall of Jesus.

Chapter XXXIII. Simon of Cyrene.—Third Fall of Jesus.

Chapter XXXIV. The Veil of Veronica.

Chapter XXXV. The fourth and fifth Falls of Jesus.—The Daughters of Jerusalem.

Chapter XXXVI. Jesus on Mount Golgotha.—Sixth and seventh Falls of Jesus.

Chapter XXXVII. The Departure of Mary and the holy Women of Calvary.

Chapter XXXVIII. The Nailing of Jesus to the Cross.

Chapter XXXIX. Erection of the Cross.

Chapter XL. Crucifixion of the Thieves.

Chapter XLI. Jesus hanging an the Cross between two Thieves.

Chapter XLII. First Word of Jesus on the Cross.

Chapter XLIII. Eclipse of the Sun.—Second and third Word of Jesus on the Cross.

Chapter XLIV. The Fear felt by the Inhabitants of Jerusalem.—Fourth Word of Jesus on the Cross.

Chapter XLV. Fifth, sixth, and seventh Words of Jesus on the Cross.—His Death.

Chapter XLVI. The Earthquake.—Apparitions of the Dead in Jerusalem.

Chapter XLVII. The Request of Joseph of Arimathea to be allowed to have the Body of Jesus.

Chapter XLVIII. The Opening Of the Side of Jesus.—Death of the two Thieves.

Chapter XLIX. A Description of some Parts of ancient Jerusalem.

Chapter L. The Descent from the Cross.

Chapter LI. The Embalming of the Body of Jesus.

Chapter LII. The Body of our Lord placed in the Sepulchre.

Chapter LIII. The Return from the Sepulchre.—Joseph of Arimathea is put in Prison.

Chapter LIV. On the Name of Calvary.

Chapter LV. The Cross and the Wine-press.

Chapter LVI. Apparitions on Occasion of the Death of Jesus.

LVII. Guards are placed around the Tomb of Jesus.

Chapter LVIII. A Glance at the Disciples of Jesus on Holy Saturday.

Chapter LIX. A detached Account of the Descent into Hell.

Chapter LX. The Eve of the Resurrection.

Chapter LXI. Joseph of Arimathea miraculously set at large.

Chapter LXII. The Night of Resurrection.

Chapter LXIII. The Resurrection of our Lord.

Chapter LXIV. The holy Women at the Sepulchre.

Chapter LXV. The Relation which was given by the Sentinels who were placed around the Sepulchre.

Chapter LXVI. The End of the Lenten Meditations.



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