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Adam, 146, 208 f.; life of, 195.
Age, present and future, the, 10 ff.
Alexandria, 342.
Angels, evil, 21 f., 58 f., 94, 227.
Angels, fall of, 22, 57 f., 148.
Angels, good, 20 f., 61, 93 f., 227 f.
Antichrist, 22, 313, 319, 322, 334, 336, 340.
Antiochus Epiphanes, 116 f., 297, 301.
Apocalypse, the, 85.
Apocalyptic works, 7 ff.
Apocryphal works, 5.
Archangels, 20 f., 58, 61, 94, 160.
Archontici, 246.
Aristobulus, 37 f.
Asher, 174.
Asmoneans, 112.
Assumption of Moses, the, 7, 21, 95 ff.
Balkira, 250 f.
Baruch, Apocalypse of, 7, 130 ff.
Beast, the, 261.
Behemoth, 155.
Beliar, 22, 168, 249, 334; 337.
Benjamin, 176.
Canaanites, 231.
Christ, 17 f., 41, 89, 184 f., 254, 262 f., 270, 315 f., 317, 328, 332.
Christ, baptism of, 186, 188, 315, 318, 343.
Christ, descent of, 165, 188, 262.
Chronology, 218 f., 223, 319, 322, 339.
Dead, prayer for the, 335.
Diocletian, 329.
Docetism, 256.
Ecclesiastes, Book of, 2.
Eden, Garden of, 93, 208 f., 216.
Edom, kings of, 224.
Elijah, Apocalypse of, 247; return of, 334.
Enoch, 210 f.
Enoch, Book of, 7, 49 ff., 180, 198f., 210.
346Esau, 182.
Eschatology, 22, 91, 229, 297 f., 306, 313 f., 322 ff., 333.
Esdras, Fourth Book of, 5, 7, 136 f., 200. Essenes, the, 122, 203.
Evolution of Christianity, the work so called, 85 ff.
Festivals, the Jewish, 206, 215.
Fire, the proving, 334 f.
Flood, the, 63 f., 66, 146, 218, 317, 330.
Gad, 174.
Gentiles, 23, 154, 156, 179, 230, 300.
Grace before meat, 303.
Greece, 295 f.
Haggadistic writings, 8 f.
Heathen, fate of, 128 f.
Heavens, the, 161, 246, 254 f., 267.
Hebrew language, the, 201, 228.
Hebrews, Epistle to the, 240 ff.
Herod the Great, 113.
Herodian Princes, 115.
Hezekiah, 259.
Hieracas, 246.
History in type, 145 f.
Idolatry, 290 f.
Isaiah, Ascension of, 7, 236 ff.
Isaiah, death of, 240 f., 249 f., 267.
Israel, supremacy of, 230.
Israelites, history of, 67, 109 f., 146 f., 219 f., 293 ff.
Issachar, 171.
Jannæus, Alexander, 37.
Jeremiah, 141.
Jerusalem, 187 f., 317; destruction of,133,138, 141 f., 302; the heavenly, 160 f., 190, 313.
Jesus, 316.
Jews, prosperity of, 312, 342.
Jonathan, 77.
Joseph, 169, 175, 183 f., 209, 218, 220.
Jubilees, Book of, 8, 193 ff.
Jubilee system, the, 204f., 219, 221.
Judah, 169, 171, 175, 182, 187.
Judas Maccabæus, 77.
Judas of Galilee, 119.
Jude, quotation from Assumption of Moses, 95, 97, 99 f., 106; quotation from Enoch in, 49, 57, 73, 83 97, 99.
Judgment, the final, 24 f., 40, 45, 58, 70, 91, 159, 261, 291, 304 f., 307, 320, 334.
Legion, the thundering, 339 f.
Levi, 169 f., 171, 175, 182, 187, 209, 218, 226.
Leviathan, 155.
Machpelah, 212.
Manasses, 147 f.
Mary, the Virgin, 262.
Mastema, 227.
Matanbukus, 250.
Mattathias, 77.
Matthias, 119.
Mediator, the, 173.
Melchisedek, 246.
Messiah, 13 ff., 17, 22, 40 ff., 44, 62, 89 f., 143, 153 f.,185 f., 297:
347Messianic hopes and theology, 23, 43 f., 58, 62, 68 f., 79, 91 f., 142, 151 ff., 189, 192, 296 ff., 313, 319, 322.
Mosaic law, the, 178 f.
Moses, Apocalypse of, 196; Assumption. of, 7, 95 ff.; burial of; 95 ff.
Natural phenomena, 65.
Nero, 22, 260, 271, 306 f., 310, 340.
New Testament referred to, 190.
Noah, 81 f., 209, 237 f., 330.
Oracles, the heathen, 341 f.
Palestine, 82 f.
Parousia, the, 129 f., 151, 187, 229, 271, 320.
Passover, Feast of, 215 f.
Patripassianism, 187.
Paul, St., writings of, 190.
Pentecost, Feast of, 215.
Pharisaism, 39.
Phocylides, 332.
Phrygia, 317.
Pistis Sophia, 28.
Place, the holy, 211.
Potiphar, 183.
Pseudepigraphic, meaning of, 1, 5, 6; writings, character of, 2 f.; writings, number of, 4 f.
Repentance, 45.
Resurrection, the, 23 f., 40, 44, 46, 62, 69, 92, 128, 143, 156 ff., 307, 334, 343.
Reuben, 168.
Revelation, how made, 149 f.
Righteous, fate of the, 57, 63, 69 f, 156 ff., 189, 261, 305, 307 f, 335.
Rome, 152, 293, 307, 308 f., 310 f., 320, 340.
Sammael, 267.
Sapor, 340 f.
Sebaste, 336.
Seven, the number, 221 f.
Sheol, 92 f.
Shepherds, the seventy, 67 f., 74 ff.
Sibylline Oracles, 9, 276 ff.
Sin, original, 150 f.
Solomon, Psalter of, 6, 25 ff.
Solomon, Wisdom of, 1, 6.
Soul, immortality of, 228 f.
Spirit, angel of the, 257, 260, 262.
Spirit, the Holy, 189 f., 246, 298.
Stars, the disobedient, 59 f.
State, the intermediate, 93.
Symbolical representations, 66 f.
Tabernacles, feast of, 215, 235.
Tablets, the heavenly, 65, 69, 70.
Taxo, 118 ff.
Testaments, Apocryphal, 8.
Testaments of the XII. Patriarchs, 8, 162 ff., 199.
Therapeutæ, 328.
Tiberius, 309.
Time, how divided, 10.
Torment, place of, 71.
Trajan, 145.
Tree of life, 60.
Ur, 212.
Uriel, 149.
Varus, 113 f.
Vine, legend of, 132.
Weeks, apocalyptical, 69, 91, 145.
Wicked, fate of the, 46 f., 57, 70, 158, 162, 307, 335.
Wisdom of Solomon, the, 1, 6.
Woman, the mystical, 322, 337.
Zabulus, 121.
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