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Agnosticism, 94

Albertini, 11, 17, 39.

Anabaptists, 70, 72, 73 ff., 98, 102, 119, 328, 334.

Analogy (Butler’s), 85 ff.

Angels, 161 ff.

Antinomianism, 76.

Apologetics, 134 ff., 304 f.

Apostles’ Creed (mentioned), 70.

Aristotle, 25.

Arminianism, 76, 89.

Arianism, 290.

Arndt, John, 59, 99.

Asceticism, 195.

Athanasian Creed, 290.

Atonement, 19, 20, 70, 71, 78, 89.

Aufklärung. See Illuminism.

Augustine, 25, 113.

Authority (in religion), 26, 74 f., 95 f., 225, 253 f., 308 f.

Bacon, 79.

Baptism, 72 f., 73, 230, 253, 258 f., 264, 329; infant, 73, 230 f., 260 f., 333.

Baptists, 73, 89, 99.

Barby, 10, 15, 16, 23.

Bengel, 100.

Berkeley, Bishop, 83, 87.

Bible, 71, 86, 150, 157, 196, 252 ff., 257 ff., 307.

Boehler, 102.

Bunyan, 99.

Butler, 83 ff.

Calvin, 25, 68, 113, 231, 312.

Calvinism, 4, 76, 86.

Canon of Scripture, 255 ff.

Categorical Imperative, 95.

Catholicism, 70 f., 146 f., 327 f., 333.

Chalcedonian Formula (mentioned), 70.

Chiliasm, 227.

Christ: humiliation of, 226; incarnation of, 84, 137 f., 233, 248; person of, 11, 26, 70, 132 f , 136 ff., 145, 152 ff., 174, 176, 180, 186, 199, 228, 322 ff.; resurrection and ascension, 212, 226; sufferings of, 224; supernatural origin of, 198 f., 206 ff., 216; work of, 134 f., 200 ff., 213 ff., 220, 224.

Christianity, definition of, 132, 133 ff., 305, 322 f.

Church: definition of, 117, 237 ff., 329 ff.; Calvinist or Reformed, 4, 26, 42, 57 f., 76, 148; invisible and visible, 132, 133 ff., 305, 322 f.; Lutheran, 57 f., 76, 148; Roman, see Catholicism; origin of, 239 ff.; perfecting of, 273 ff., 283; permanent features of, 251 ff.

Churches: 270 f.; free, 101, 299.

Church and state, 57 ff., 76, 225 f.

Church and world, 249 ff., 269 ff.

Communion: religious, 125, 133, 173 f.; Christian, 134, 139 f., 153, 195, 197, 201 f., 215, 224, 228 f. See also Church.

Conversion, 229 ff.

Cosmology, 157, 163.

Covenant theology, 184.

Creation, 156 f., 199, 210, 214 f., 218, 233.

Creeds and confessions, 69 f., 75, 149 ff., 156, 206 f., 289.

Critique of Pure Reason, 93 f., 105.

Critique of the Practical Reason, 94 f.

Cromwell, Oliver, 99.

Decrees of God, 233.

Deism, 81 ff., 93, 105.

Democracy, 46, 57.

Dependence, absolute, 121, 124, 163.

Descartes, 25, 90.

Devil, 161 ff., 183.


Diderot, 83.

Discourses on Religion, Pref. viii., 32, 37 f., 38, 39, 106 ff., 305 f.

Dissenters, 76, 99.

Docetism, 146, 209.

Dogma, Christian, 149 ff., 151.

Dogmatics: materials of, 149 ff.; meaning of, 116 ff., 143, 306; origin of, 141 ff.; method of, 144 ff., 151 f., 157, 164, 176.

Dort, Synod of (mentioned), 76, 89.

Ebionitism, 146.

Election, doctrine of, 240 ff., 244.

Encyclopaedists, 13.

Ernesti, 8, 92.

Ethics, 119 ff.

Evangelical revival of the eighteenth century, 97 ff.

Evil: kinds of, 87, 161, natural, 187; source of, 161, 227; relation to sin, 87, 191.

Evolution, 123 f.

Faith, 195, 196, 225. 229, 238, 301.

Fetichism, 127, 329.

Forgiveness, 232 f.

Foreknowledge, divine, 343 f.

Foreordination. See election.

Formula of Concord, 76.

Freedom, 121, 153 f., 190.

Future punishment, 12, 19, 277, 282 f.

Future state, 49 f., 241 f., 244, 275 ff., 281 ff., 321 f.; intermediate, 279.

Gnadenfrei, 8, 32.

God: meaning of, 122 f., 206 ff., 313, 318 f.; attributes, 90, 163 ff., 166 ff., 191 ff., 201, 283 ff.; proofs of existence, 90, 155, 315 ff.

God-consciousness, 122, 130, 135, 153, 174, 176, 186, 201 f.

Grace, 176; 189 f., 194 ff., 200 ff., 229 f., 284.

Grotius, Hugo, 89.

Guilt, 182 f., 227, 232; of the race, 187 f. See also Sin.

Halle, 4, 11, 19. 24 f., 29, 47, 100.

Harms, Pastor, 106, 110.

Hegelianism, 298, 326.

Herbert of Cherbury, Lord, 81.

Herder, 16, 35, 93.

Heresy, 145 ff., 325.

Holiness, 192.

Holy Spirit, 138, 245 ff., 255 f., 257, 267, 273.

Human depravity, 13, 178 ff., 183. See also Sin.

Hume, David, 13, 87 ff., 95 ff., 303, 304.

Illuminism, 13, 91, 106.

Immortality, 95. See also Future State.

Incarnation. See Person of Christ.

Infallibility, 272 f.

Judaism, 82, 129, 131 f., 136, 188.

Judgment, final, 280 f.

Justification, 71, 229, 232 ff.

Kant, 16, 25, 28, 37, 93 ff., 312.

Keys, office of, 253, 265 f.

Kingdom of God, 195, 219 f., 224 f., 235 f., 239 f., 267, 268, 284, 286, 288.

Knox, John, 68.

Kurze Darstellung, etc., 51, 110, 299.

Lambeth Articles (mentioned), 76.

Lavater, 16.

Leibnitz, 9:, 113, 313.

Lessing, 16, 25, 92, 113, 303.

Locke, 25, 79, 80 f.

Logos, doctrine of, 290.

Luther, 25, 68, 98, 113.

Lutheranism, 15, 76. See also Church.

Manichaeism, 145, 178, 183, 189, 190.

Melanchthon, 25, 68, 307.

Methodism, 101 ff.

Ministry, Christian, 253, 256 ff.

Miracles, 82, 84, 94, 160, 220.

Mohammedanism, 129, 131 f., 136.


Monologues, 109 f.

Monotheism, 128 ff., 136 f.

Moravian Brethren, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19,43.

Moravianism, 15, 23, 101 ff., 312.

Mysticism, 14, 96.

Neander, 305 f .

New Birth. See Regeneration.

Nicene Symbol (mentioned), 70.

Niesky, 9, 14, 15 f.

Nonconformists, 76.

Obduracy, 190.

Origen, 25, 292.

Pantheism, 108, 129 f.

Pelagianism, 145, 178, 189, 190.

Perfection: of Christ, 196 ff.; of man, 172 ff., 177, 179, 187, 205; of the world, 170 ff., 187.

Philosophy of religion, I26 ff., 302 ff.

Pietism, 15, 99 ff.

Piety. See Religion.

Plato, 8, 25, 32, 42, 113.

Polytheism, 128.

Prayer, 160, 253, 266 ff.

Preservation, 156 ff., 109.

Priesthood, 125.

Primitive man, 174, 183, 205.

Protestantism, 53, 67 ff., 75, 77 ff., 146 ff., 306, 327 f., 333.

Providence, 26, 285.

Punishment, 227, 232. See also Future Punishment.

Puritanism, 99.

Quakers, 73, 99.

Race-consciousness, 173, 180 f., 182 f., 201, 226, 246.

Rationalism, 4, 37, 38 ff., 73, 89, 93 f., 97, 146, 304.

Reason, 253 f.

Reconciliation, 216 ff.

Redeemer. See Christ.

Redemption, 134 f., 176, 190; consciousness of, 151; how wrought, 196 ff., 213 f.

Reden. See Discourses.

Regeneration, 160, 227 ff., 234, 259, 269 f.

Religion: definition of, 106 ff., 119 ff., 154 f., 172 f.; nature of, 320 ff.; kinds and stages of, 126 ff.; natural, 40, 82, 83 ff., 132 f.; positive, 132; revealed, 79, 83 ff., 132 f.; supernatural, 79, 81; true and false, 127.

Renaissance, 73.

Repentance, 229, 232.

Resurrection, the, 277, 279 f.

Revelation, 81 f., 86, 92, 96 f., 133 f., 201, 205, 314 ff., 319 ff.

Revival, evangelical, 97 f.

Righteousness, 193.

Ritschl, Albrecht, 298, 327 f.

Roman Catholicism, 95, 307, 327. See also Catholicism.

Romanticism, 38, 105, 312.

Sabellianism, 209.

Sack, 27, 33, 108.

Sanctification, 227 f., 233 ff., 280.

Skepticism, 13, 14, 16.

Schlegel, F. R., 36, 32 f.

Schwenkfeldt, Caspar, 73.

Scholasticism, 209.

Scriptures. See Bible.

Second Coming of Christ, 277 f.

Separatism, 43, 101, 195, 328, 331.

Sin: consciousness of, 175, 178 f., 184. 186, 187, 190, 235, 284; doctrine of, 177 ff.; hereditary, 181 f., 187, 210; actual, 184 f.; God’s relation to, 188 ff., 198 f.; punishments of, 100, 193 f., 201, 2l6, 222.

Socinianism, 76, 78.

Spangenberg, 102.

Spener, 99 f.

Spinoza, 25, 90, 113, 312.

Spirit of Christ. See Holy Spirit.

Spirit of God. See Holy Spirit.

State churches, 99. See also Church and State.


Supernatural and natural, 231 f., 240, 248.

Supper, Lord’s, 14 f., 65, 253, 261 ff.

Testament: Old, 137, 150, 2<4, 256; New, 151, 161, 251 f., 254 i.

Theology, natural, 79, 88, 96, 139, 165. See also Rationalism; Revelation.

Traducianism, 207, 209.

Trinity, 70, 84, 207, 209, 289 ff.

Voltaire, 13, 83.

Wesley, John, 98-102.

Wesley, Charles, 102.

Whitefield, 98.

Will, the, 179 ff.

Wolff, 25, 91.

Zinsendorf, 11, 20.

Zwingli, 68,

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